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Everything posted by kckc9

  1. hey, I was banned for griefing a long time ago, I griefed when I was in a griefing team, as I am no longer in the team, I would like to get unbanned and help out the members of this great community. I feel really bad for griefing, It would be great if you could unban me, Thanks -kckc9
  2. This is annoying, cyotie see to me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. okay, I griefed the server earlier today, and I feel really bad about it, I understand that I did something wrong, the individual who I was griefing with (entith20, sorry if spelling mistake) talked me into griefing the server, like I said earlier I feel really bad for it and I am willing to repair the damage I did and also fix any other griefs by hand that need doing (any griefs by other players that have been banned, I shall fix those griefs if I am given the materials to do so) I would like to take this oppertunity to apologise for my actions, sorry cyotie911 (staff member who banned me) and I am sorry to anybody I made angry by griefing - kckc9 (the now-former griefer who feels bad for what he did)
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