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Everything posted by 25th

  1. Forgive me for asking, but why exactly are you, a random person in which I've never met nor remember meeting, want to be my friend exactly? I simply find it odd that you sent a friend request to a person you've, from my view point, have never met. ありがとう。

    1. teddylover


      I add everyone. I like adding everyone even if they are banned.

  2. I have read the rules and agree to abide by them to ethical points. Thank you for looking into my suggestion. ありがとうございます。
  3. To be quite honest I have no idea why I am even banned on this server. To be specific, for some odd reason I was banned on here one years ago. The odd part? I only but realized this today after deciding to look at the ban tool posted on the survival server's page for a few years. Seeing as how it is the only negative thing against me, oddly seeing as how I usually don't get into these situations, I believe we can mutually agree to get rid of this random offence, the only one listed actually, that I am sure neither of us even know or care about. ​Apparently MCBouncer keeps a log of these things, luckily, and allowed me to find this offence. The main area it is located is here: http://www.mcbouncer.com/userban/2380149 , and was apparently issued on March of 2012 some time around 17:30. The offence is apparently griefing, for what reason your guess is as good as mine. Keep in mind this has only come to my attention, for all I know I was drunk at the time. Though if you do know why specifically please do tell me. I tend to not forget things alike to this. ありがとうございます。
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