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  1. thankyou barlimore. you are forever my favourite staff
  2. This appeal has been up for 2/3 days and I am starting to get slightly impatient as are quite a lot of people who are waiting for cyotie911. I enjoyed this server and its staff very much and this is actually the first server i have ever been banned from I would like to back on ASAP so please tell cyotie911 that my appeal is waiting to be read. Thanks B_J P.S. it was moderate but I understand a grief is still a grief & it wasn't a rule I placed as a sign on anywhere, I told them when they began building it so i don't blame him/her for forgetting
  3. I will be brief. I made a city kind of thing for all users to claim areas on different streets. I gave them few and very specific instructions. Do not use pixel art. I cannot remember the name of them but they made giant signs and put small signs on them saying troll troll troll. I removed the giant signs along with the small ones and i was then banned. hope to be back soon. B_J
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