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SiNdAcIt [smiler100]


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So about three months ago, I was banned for saying a certain word. I did not mean to use the word as a derogatory term, I was congratulating a fellow community member on saving my in game life from a skeleton. I was using the word to describe how we had just created a bond between and as such, we should now refer to each other by an endearing term. On another note I wasn't using that word to literally mean a black person, but it was more like using the word, Homey.

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Ban for SiNdAcIt on c.nerd.nu for racism nerd.nu/appeal by smiler100 on 2013-05-10 16:47:44 (no more bans, no notes)


It's been a long while since you were banned. Please confirm that you have read the rules and will follow them from now onwards, and I or another staff member will unban you.

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