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lightTaO [Verros]


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I tried logging into the Reddit PvE server to start playing Minecraft with others after a very long time, but it tells me I've been banned for griefing. I have never been connected to this server before, so I don't see how this is possible. Thank you.


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Hello lightTaO,

  This ban is from quite a while ago.  I am unsure if you personally have logged into our servers but your account did in February of 2012.  In the off chance that your account has been compromised please go change your password.  Also please go read our rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that your have read the rules and have secured your account.


Ban for lighttao on c.nerd.nu for griefing, nerd.nu/appeal by verros on 2012-02-23 11:16:57 (no more bans, no notes)

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I have read the rules and am still (and always have been as far as I know) in control of my account. I am surprised that this would happen... it must have been a fluke at the time, or... something. I don't remember ever logging into your servers! I apologize and hope it can be lifted.

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