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Dunk514 [buzzinbee]


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i'm not banned on this account. I've had a terrible life tbh and i want to fit in somewhere. i feel like im somehow cheating by evading my ban(s) and unfortunately i cant remember the names of the accounts i evaded on (my friend gave them to me through skype which ive uninstalled) they all got banned for griefing/ trolling etc



The only thing i can remember is before one of my bans my gamemode got changed to survival and some mod/admin starting with cyot or something banned me later after playing with me a little bit (i think i got burnt in lava)


Anyway, this is probably going to be a perma ban on this acc too. I feel a little idiotic for admitting all this but as i said before i feel like im cheating and i want to fit in somewhere without feeling like that. I really want to belong here. I may be a bit trolly and i cant help that. im a fucked up guy and need help. i want to seek refuge in this server for my mental well being from my abusive and horrid life.




edit ~


Check my geoip then check some from banned accs. My ip changes on a regular basis because theres something up with my router, im not sure exactly what though - not an expert on that kind of thing. when the banned accs come up i want to make a proper heartfelt appeal, the others can stay banned i only want to play on this acc


thanks for reading 


~Dunk, the person to never fit in anywhere <3

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Okay, thank you for being honest and very cooperative with the whole situation. First question, how long ago were these bans? Secondly do you remember the extent of the griefing/trolling you went to?


Discussed with you and you agreed to have this account banned until the situation is sorted out. Again thanks for your cooperation with this.

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  On 12/20/2013 at 2:21 AM, buzzinbee said:

Okay, thank you for being honest and very cooperative with the whole situation. First question, how long ago were these bans? Secondly do you remember the extent of the griefing/trolling you went to?


I'm not sure on time anymore. Going too bloody fast and sometimes too slow. Perhaps a month or two ago, might be three or four, probably no more than that. I can't remember how much I griefed, I think I was derping about smashing up blocks because I was bored and angry about something unrelated. ANYWAYS*(sorry tired)I don't think I trolled too hard, not sure though. Just don't know. Going a little loopy don't know what is my memory and what isn't sorry. 


Btw this might be interrupted as me trolling but it isn't. I am pretty loopy and don't know what's going on anymore.

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I will have to talk to a head admin, most likely cyotie seeing as it seems to be him that banned you. We will get back to this and try and find a reasonable outcome. In the meantime I'd like to ask you to just refresh yourself with the rules http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules. Again thank you for your cooperation and patience.

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Okay. Before this gets to much further out of hand and you waist anymore of my staff's time, I'm going to go ahead and wrap this up. Either you knowingly evaded a ban (that we have no record of and probably isn't really there in the first place) or you are trolling again despite having literally gotten unbanned from 6 hours prior. Either way ñ you're banned for a month. Reappear on the 19th of January.

P.S. we have a program that records your IP address every time you log in our servers and will associate any accounts that ever log in from that IP address with your account. This account is the only account that has ever logged in from any IP address that you have ever used.

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