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baileydigger [cyotie911]


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I don't usually call him brother online cos then it gets weird. And of course the IP don't work in my favour, however login times should; it is almost impossible to be playing (AND chatting to him) at the same time, assuming it is an alt. I do admit that I have used alt's in the past but never had baileydigger or imamonkeycrafter shown to have been alt's, nor have they been alt's. I would really like to get back on your server's to continue my building, which in no way has imamonkeycrafter got anything to do with, besides the tunnel which was my idea and I asked him to continue it for me. All your "evidence" may point to alt accounts, but if you took the time to look further into evidence you will realise that you may actually be wrong. If you're not going to listen to me, can I speak to another admin to work this out! Getting really annoyed now...

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Through your actions in the past, we have had many cases of imamonkeycrafter using your account, and even telling another player that Baileydigger was indeed imamonkeycrafter. With this evidence, we have enough to keep this account banned for ban evasion. Even ignoring the blatant ban evasion in the past, if we assumed that these were owned by separate people, the fact that imamonkeycrafter has access to your account, we wish to ensure that his ban is upheld by removing his ability to connect through your account. Baileydigger will remained banned. This is now two Head Admins (there is no one higher) telling you the same thing. We are sorry it had to come to this, but this is how it has to be.

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