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CARVERitUP [Head Admins]


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Hey guys, Carver here.



Someone just linked me on Skype to a thread here where apparently people are trying to get me unbanned. I'm just letting you know firstly I'm not involved in this, I just learned about it today.


While reading the thread I found out some interesting things. I was unaware that LadyRavenOwl, someone who actually was dating an AVO member and actually visited him in real life, is now back as a moderator on nerd.nu, for reasons I do not know. I've been banned for around 2 years from the server simply for talking or "associating" with those guys, and I've made a few unsuccessful ban appeals myself, so I found it kind of hurtful that I was not treated on equal terms. And I have nothing against LRO, I consider her a friend, and I'm glad to see she's found herself back on the staff list, as she always was a very kind moderator. But that's not the point. I'm not here to complain about staff policy.


My point for making this thread is that in the topic linked to me, a staff member noted that I hadn't reached out about the issue, and that it was server policy to wait for a ban appeal. So, I thought I'd make one simply to stop what seems to be a minor spam in the forums about my unbanning. I don't want that to happen "on my behalf", so I feel like it's my responsibility to funnel the discussion here so it is not taking up a section of the forums.


Honestly, as I said in my past appeal, I do not play Minecraft much if at all anymore, so if you guys really are that on the fence about me, I understand if you wish to keep me banned there. But for 2 years, I've been unable to talk to friends of mine from the servers that I would talk to in mumble, simply because I was banned from the mumble server before I could even figure out other ways to talk to them. And I was extremely disappointed in that fact when I found out that JohnAdams had recently passed away...because I hadn't talked to her in over a year and a half because of my forced separation from nerd.nu, and she had been one of my friends. I didn't even get to share the last year of one of my friends' lives. This is why all I really wanted was to be unbanned from the mumble server, so I can talk to my friends again, and even make new ones.


I know that apparently this is a very large issue of discussion right now, so I will obviously be patient. I'm not here to cause problems, I'm here to organize the discussion and hopefully stop the "unban Carver" threads. Take your time, I have no problems waiting for the staff to make an agreed decision, because I don't want any drama to come out of it.


Thanks for your consideration,



EDIT: As clarification, I would love to be unbanned from the server, seeing as I never did any griefing to warrant a ban, but if you guys are uncomfortable with that, at the very least I would be appealing the mumble ban.

Edited by CARVERitUP
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Carver, just letting you know that I will be handling this appeal and will comment back after more discussion with the other head admins. We appreciate your patience.


No problem! I'm just kind of happy that my situation is seeming to be finally evaluated seriously, without personal feelings and frankly, some lies, being involved.

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We've looked at your past involving the MCPublic servers, and this is what we decided:


  • The original ban was very questionable, since at the time, you had broken no rules on MCPublic, other than being associated with a known griefing group.
  • Actions taken by the "fanboys" of yours (whether they were led by you or not), caused many disruptions to our servers.
  • We feel that the time you have served since the end of the fanboy attacks mostly covers your penalty. This means we will be granting your request to be unbanned on mumble, on the condition that you are willing to have a chat with the Head Admins in mumble when you first join.
  • Access to further services can be requested in the future, and we will take into consideration your actions from this point forward.

Please contact us when you are able to get on to mumble. There are many ways to contact me, and you can feel free to use any of them to set up the unban time. Again, we appreciated your patience during this, as we wanted time to think this through. Welcome back. Unbanned... soon .

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