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radioactium [tacodude3]


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Hello, not sure what to say other than I'd like to be unbanned. This is the only server I've ever been banned on and I believe it was for griefing. I recall that I did punch a few holes into someone's house and build a horizontal oak tree on it and promptly leave. I'd like to apologize for these actions and also add that this was about a year or so ago (keep in mind that I am not very good at estimation when it comes to units of time) and I'd like to be let back on the server because I want to be given a second chance to contribute to the community.

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Hello Radioactium

  Please be patient and tacodude3 (your banning moderator) will be with you as soon as they can.  if after 48 hours have passed and no one has attended to your appeal, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.


Ban for radioactium on c.nerd.nu for nerd.nu/appeal by tacodude3 on 2012-10-02 20:35:51 (no more bans, no notes)

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