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kycurry1203 [Ooer]


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I was banned awhile back for a coal grief? the only thing i can thing of that would be considered the coal greif would be when I was clearing some land that was no longer being used. The house was abandoned. Parts of the house where made of coal blocks. I took that coal and placed it in a separate chest. I knew the owner of the house I was tearing down and a mod even knew I was doing it. This took place awhile back before the last update in rose city. I was a very loyal citizen, i filled most of the ravines in the city myself and was just doing to cleaning. I really enjoyed the environment there and am very sorry if I upset anyone. I'm sure there was just a misunderstanding somewhere with me clearing out an eyesore. I mean this house was half tore down and had been untouched for two weeks and was really ugly. I was good friends with the owner in game and was even working with him on his new house. please appeal this ban on me

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Hello kycurry1203,

  Please be patient and Ooer (your banning moderator) will be with you as soon as they can.  If after 48 hours, no one has attended to your appeal, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.


Ban for kycurry1203 on c.nerd.nu for extensive coal block grief nerd.nu/appeal by ooer on 2013-10-27 10:27:08 (no more bans, 1 notes)


Note #34799 for kycurry1203 on c.nerd.nu: warned for crop grief on survival by trooprm32 on 2013-10-11 14:23:21

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Seems like Ooer is on holiday.


The logs of your edits have expired.  I see from the chat logs that you said some alarming things about griefing the house in question and later clarifed that you were joking.  However, we have no confirmation from FLoaf that you had his consent.  We only have your word.


It's because of situations like this that we don't want players to remove each other's builds unless there is some really clear indication of shared ownership, like, for example, a WorldGuard region in both your names.


Please leave other people's builds alone in future to avoid these kinds of problems.

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Floaf had built a new house across town that I was helping him build. I understand why I was banned and I'm sorry I went about this the wrong way I was just helping him move all his stuff over. He wasnt on at the time so i was storing the coal. It will not happen again.

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