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wishana10 [cyotie911]


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I'm so sorry we spammed the town that we were in, but we were just having fun. My friend Lyndsey (blue_ninja1154) and I (wishana10) were fooling around cuz we pretended to be mother and daughter (She was the daughter and I was the mother) We skype each other all the time since she goes to my school and she's in my class. At one point she said, "I like cake and melon." So I started putting cake around her in the "Golden Cat Cafe" and she started putting melon around me. So i guess we got to crazy and put melon and cake everywhere (in that area, not the WHOLE town) So then she said, "I'm leaving you mother!" She started to go away,but I trapped her in my blocks of quilt and blankets (the wool). Then after I gave up she said lets go build a house near a waterfall, so i guess we both forgot about it cuz we said we'll clean it up, but we never did and i'm really sorry!! I'm on skype with her right now and she said she's sorry too even though she didn't get banned. Please forgive us and especially me since I started it. This was the first time i've ever gotten banned, so im really upset cuz my friend Lyndsey keeps on asking me when im gonna get back on the server and build more of our house. I promise I'll NEVER do it again now that I learned my lesson. Thank you if you are reading this and understand we didn't really mean too, we were just being crazy..I'm sorry. Can you just please unban me? 

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I was originally surprised to find these edits to be made by you. Horseplay is fine as long as you remember to clean up after yourself.  You also should have done it in an area that was either not built on or built on by you.  you had spammed a bunch of cake inside someone elses house also.  Please go reread the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that you understand and will abide by them from now on.


Ban for wishana10 on c.nerd.nu for wool and cake spam nerd.nu/appeal by cyotie911 on 2014-01-10 22:38:59 (no more bans, no notes)

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