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UnrequitedLover [LetsBFehr]


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I was banned for spamming lava. TBh I just didn't have a clue what I was doing, new to minecraft and couldn't work out why I could place things in some places and not others and why some things disappeared. And I didn't see anyone else anywhere, I assumed I wandered it on my own, sorry for being abit nooby, id really like the chance to explore the world, it looked awesome

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Hey unrequitedlover,


Yeah I banned you earlier when I found that you had joined the Creative server and spammed lava over a couple of builds. Obviously that is against the rules.  I suggest looking over the rules found [here](http://www.redditpublic.com/wiki/Rules).  There are always people in game that are willing to help if you just ask.  Please respond here when you have read over the rules and understand them to be unbanned.



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