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The_Hoodie_Ninja [Deaygo]


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I tried logging onto the server and it told me I was banned for a "Compromised Account". Not sure what that means exactly, but I do not recall ever really playing on the server before. Think I may have been on once or twice. Maybe. Even then, I don't think I ever did anything that would cause me to get banned. If there is more detail on the situation of this ban I would love to hear it, other wise if someone could lift the ban, that would be great! Thank you! :)

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Hello, The_Hoodie_Ninja, your account was banned because it was on a list of compromised accounts. Please go to minecraft.net and change your password to make sure your account is secured. Once you have done that reply here saying so and we will unban you.



Ban information:


Ban for The_Hoodie_Ninja on c.nerd.nu for Compromised Account - appeal at nerd.nu/appeal by Deaygo on 2012-01-09 16:30:28 (no more bans, no notes)

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