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Pandens [totemo]


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I got banned for x-ray hacks a while ago know, I was x-ray hacking in search of clay (turns out the x-ray hack couldn't even detect clay anyway-sigh). So I decided to grab a bunch of diamonds while I was at it. i can only assume that the town owner got a bit suspicious when I rocked up with full diamond armour and she went down to my mineshaft and found my cobble covered tracks. I have since grown up a lot and deleted my hacked client. I also have being watching a lot of mindcrack, which I think makes me want to be more legitimate with Minecraft. This server is soooooo much fun and I was really enjoying been part of the community (until i wanted to be indi and hacked). Hopefully you revoke my ban because i am still really upset about my stupidity.  :sad: PLEAAAAAASE 


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Hello Pandens, you were banned on December 26th of last year, so the standard 1 month long ban for xray bans has expired. Please read the rules and reply here stating that you have read and will follow them.


Ban information:


Ban for Pandens on c.nerd.nu for xray on pve nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-12-26 05:55:18 (no more bans, no notes)

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I have read the rules (not including creative, survival and chaos as I do not go on those servers) and will try my utmost to comply and follow them.


p.s. I think I found a typo in them, the word mar (underlined):

"Be respectful of the map and do not mar the experience or view for other players. Certain “very low quality” structures including but not limited to cobble/netherrack boxes, floating skyrails, and abandoned incomplete builds may be removed if they significantly impact the surrounding area in a negative way. Such removal will be done entirely at the discretion of server admins."

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