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carbuck456 [Diamond_Lover123]


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I would like to appeal a ban placed on me by diamond_lover123 for using modreq to get around a chat ban. I agree that it was wrong but there is no other way to dispute chat bans in my opinion.  I have read the rules again and I will try not to break them again.


cheers for reading

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Your username has been changed since it contained racial slurs, and it's clear from your choice to use racial slurs that you are not willing to follow the rules. Make a new appeal when you are willing to follow the rules.



Ban information:


Ban for carbuck456 on c.nerd.nu for Using modreqs to get around a mute after being warned twice. nerd.nu/appeal by Diamond_Lover123 on 2014-04-06 15:43:00 (no more bans, 3 notes)

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