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PvtSnowball971 [kitcatbar]


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I was recently banned and I do and do not understand why. I relized that Dny was not happy with my greetings but, I ment now ill fate are other ways. Also, I was not aware that I was warned. I know I was warned about personal attack on a player but, that not why I am here. I do not recall ever being warned. Please help me understand .

Thank You




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Hey I like to add a few things that I do not have direct proof but, a guy that was with me can back me up on. If this about dny modreq about me "griefing" I think it without saying the things that have gone on between use. Frist they personaly attack more than once in rose chat also, they every time I come to rose tell me to "fuck off" and "your not welcome" when I am just walking though to use rails also, they brake my carts, and also,constantly accuse me in rose chat public chat and also private chat of griefing builds of rose with no proof logic. sometimes I not on at the time the greif and killings take place. So with that I just thought that might be consider since they may just want me banned for good casue that all I got from them all the time.

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Ban information:


Ban for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu for Player harrassment after multiple previous warnings nerd.nu/appeal by kitcatbar on 2014-04-09 21:39:06 (no more bans, 5 notes)


Please be patient and kitcatbar will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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Hello PvtSnowball971, and thanks Sapphric.

You were just unbanned on March 29th for disrupting chat, and told that "we will not tolerate any rule infractions from you at all," and that "aggressive and abusive personal attacks... are normally dealt with with bans of significant length."

List of other previous bans:
Griefing, combat logging, homophobia, x-ray, with an extension on the x-ray ban for ban evasion.
List of notes:
1. Note #33559 for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Warned for logging to avoid combat / lag occurring during combat by Tharine on 2013-08-21 06:06:18
2. Note #33568 for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Warned for PvP logging. by mrloud15 on 2013-08-21 18:43:15
3. Note #33631 for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Previous ban for logging to avoid combat, do not tolerate any further incidents by Tharine on 2013-08-25 00:46:31
4. Note #35429 for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: warned again for use of homophobic language in chat on P by tompreuss on 2013-12-28 18:05:47
5. Note #36793 for PvtSnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: 2013-03-29: unbanned, warned that any further rule infractions at all will result in another ban by tompreuss on 2014-03-29 14:07:31

Several players have reported you for harassment since you have been unbanned, particularly members of Rose City after you were removed from the town's permissions. The following are chat records I found while investigating these reports:

2014-04-03 13:09:23 | <PvtSnowball971> dny you do not now the true story so fuck off
2014-04-03 14:18:05 | <PvtSnowball971> difficult is a ass wipe
2014-04-03 17:59:30 | <PvtSnowball971> rivae i can not belive you
2014-04-03 18:07:15 | <PvtSnowball971> riv you are unbelivable after all i done for you to

2014-04-03 18:07:35 | <ghrey303> i think riv is unbelivable too
2014-04-03 18:07:40 | <difficult1> ^
2014-04-03 18:07:53 | <PvtSnowball971> riv you are unbelivable after all i done for you to

2014-04-04 05:23:06 | <PvtSnowball971> rose is pretty bad to
2014-04-04 05:23:42 | <PvtSnowball971> no fairlight should get something were small but very nice
2014-04-04 05:23:51 | <PvtSnowball971> we do not have asshole mayors

You would continuously go after town members in chat, either attacking them or the town itself. At this point you were warned again, this time in game rather than in a ban appeal.

2014-04-05 15:33:50 | <dingopupster> does rose have perfect villagers
2014-04-05 15:33:58 | <Redigox> some
2014-04-05 15:34:07 | <dingopupster> where
2014-04-05 15:34:09 | <difficult1> perfect?
2014-04-05 15:34:13 | <Redigox> idfk
2014-04-05 15:34:16 | <Redigox> lol
2014-04-05 15:34:19 | <wyatt8740> pristine
2014-04-05 15:34:55 | <PvtSnowball971> DING no they do not there villager are shit and most are broken just came from there
2014-04-05 15:35:01 | <difficult1> wut
2014-04-05 15:35:21 | <difficult1> pvt was kicked from rose....
2014-04-05 15:35:23 | <difficult1> but nice try
2014-04-05 15:35:25 | <PvtSnowball971> go ahead diff make up something to make rose look good
2014-04-05 15:35:33 | <difficult1> um k
2014-04-05 15:35:37 | <wyatt8740> kicked from rose?
2014-04-05 15:35:38 | <PvtSnowball971> diff i was helping rose and you kik me
2014-04-05 15:35:40 | <difficult1> yep
2014-04-05 15:35:57 | <sneakypablos> Yeah, when you stole 100 dia ore it really helped, Pvt!
2014-04-05 15:36:11 | <PvtSnowball971> WHAT no that was my dia that i mined
2014-04-05 15:36:22 | <PvtSnowball971> that bullshit who told you that
2014-04-05 15:36:37 | <PvtSnowball971> you can look at the minlogs
2014-04-05 15:37:04 | <PvtSnowball971> i donated it to rose then took ot back after i got bitch slapped

2014-04-05 15:37:13 | <difficult1> k.
2014-04-05 15:37:15 | <PvtSnowball971> by most the mayors
2014-04-05 15:37:34 | <difficult1> he was kicked by a 100% vote of all the mayors -_-
2014-04-05 15:37:50 | <PvtSnowball971> no i was not ty voted to keep me asshole
2014-04-05 15:37:57 | <difficult1> lol.
2014-04-05 15:38:15 | <PvtSnowball971> diff you made up this whole thing to make me look like the bad guy
2014-04-05 15:38:24 | <PvtSnowball971> i was making rails for ty
2014-04-05 15:38:36 | <PvtSnowball971> i had the supplies in my chest i had sent him mail
2014-04-05 15:38:54 | <PvtSnowball971> that what happen i told you me and him handled it
2014-04-05 15:39:31 | <PvtSnowball971> but you came made up a whole big lie to get me kik and the best part is you cobently took over my pl
2014-04-05 15:39:33 | <PvtSnowball971> plot
2014-04-05 15:39:45 | <PvtSnowball971> you are a ASHOLE

2014-04-05 15:40:18 | <dnynumberone> i'm just tired of it now...
2014-04-05 15:40:19 | <PvtSnowball971> and that why he made the fucking story up was cause of my history
2014-04-05 15:40:24 | <difficult1> wut
2014-04-05 15:40:28 | <PvtSnowball971> FUCK OFF

2014-04-05 15:40:30 | <tompreuss> agressive personal attacks are not tolerated, PvtSnowball971; this is a warning

Here you openly admit that you are only going to their city, which you have been repeatedly asked not to go to, to piss players off.

2014-04-06 19:06:17 | <PvtSnowball971> krapps can you not be a ass ty
2014-04-06 19:06:30 | <PvtSnowball971> give me my cart
2014-04-06 19:07:21 | <PvtSnowball971> my cart asshole
2014-04-06 19:07:52 | <PvtSnowball971> your an ass

2014-04-06 19:08:08 | <krapps> *you're
2014-04-06 19:08:27 | <krapps> why are you even back in rose snowball?
2014-04-06 19:08:40 | <PvtSnowball971> to piss you off
2014-04-06 19:08:53 | <PvtSnowball971> did i do my job

2014-04-06 19:08:57 | <krapps> well i think it was you who got upset then!
2014-04-06 19:10:08 | <dnynumberone> pvt you aren't welcome in rose
2014-04-06 19:10:19 | <PvtSnowball971> i do not give a fuck
2014-04-06 19:10:31 | <PvtSnowball971> dny diff is so wrong

2014-04-06 19:10:46 | <dnynumberone> pvt you've been kicked out of rose and we are trying our best to ignore you
2014-04-06 19:10:54 | <dnynumberone> but you keep bringing this crap up and it's getting tired
2014-04-06 19:11:19 | <PvtSnowball971> is rose still butt hurt about the 100 diamond ore that they lost
2014-04-06 19:11:31 | <dnynumberone> pvt that was ONE of many problems
2014-04-06 19:11:32 | <Rokku117> Pvt, you stole 100 diamond ore?
2014-04-06 19:11:36 | <32ndFlava> well theres your confession
2014-04-06 19:11:42 | <Fuzzy_W4ffle> pvt stole a lot of things
2014-04-06 19:12:03 | <PvtSnowball971> god no what DB does that i donated and quickly took it back after getting kik
2014-04-06 19:12:03 | <dnynumberone> then he griefs us once a day
2014-04-06 19:12:11 | <sansapants> There's no need for baselss accusations and arguments in chat, y'all.
2014-04-06 19:12:31 | <dnynumberone> we just want him to leave us alone but he's back in rose now
2014-04-06 19:12:57 | <sansapants> In general - if anybody has a problem with another player, please notify a mod.
2014-04-06 19:13:01 | <PvtSnowball971> it hard when i enter rose and costanly pester really o ignore but when i get attack on persinal lvl
2014-04-06 19:13:06 | <PvtSnowball971> i draw a line sans

2014-04-06 19:13:22 | <krapps> you called me names snowball.
2014-04-06 19:13:33 | <Rokku117> Can a mod pls step in here?
2014-04-06 19:13:35 | <CROCKODUCK> guys, lets not
2014-04-06 19:13:42 | <sansapants> Public chat is not the place for accusations and arguments.
2014-04-06 19:13:47 | <krapps> I'm out!
2014-04-06 19:13:47 | <PvtSnowball971> all i ever did was help with tha rails
2014-04-06 19:13:53 | krapps left the game.

Then you switched your attention to harassing dnynumberone, who repeatedly asked you to leave him alone.

2014-04-07 15:25:55 | <PvtSnowball971> dny how are you today
2014-04-07 15:26:12 | <PvtSnowball971> dny how are you today

2014-04-07 15:26:22 | <dnynumberone> please leave me alone pvt
2014-04-07 15:26:32 | <PvtSnowball971> dny talk to me T_T
2014-04-07 15:26:43 | <JayTagSean> He said not to
2014-04-07 15:26:50 | <PvtSnowball971> dny talk to me T_T
2014-04-07 15:27:32 | <PvtSnowball971> i love you dny
2014-04-07 15:28:34 | <PvtSnowball971> dny you made a small child sad
2014-04-07 15:28:57 | <PvtSnowball971> and ding
2014-04-07 15:29:10 | <PvtSnowball971> another child has diead of hunger

2014-04-07 15:52:57 | <dnynumberone> 32 block high pit
2014-04-07 15:53:07 | <PvtSnowball971> dny will you marry me

2014-04-08 16:09:09 | <PvtSnowball971> hi dny will you marry me
2014-04-08 16:09:34 | <dnynumberone> pvt i've asked you more than once to leave me alone, i haven't filed a grief report yet but i'm clos
2014-04-08 16:09:46 | <PvtSnowball971> what grief
2014-04-08 16:09:50 | <dnynumberone> just do your thing and stop talking to me please
2014-04-08 16:09:57 | <PvtSnowball971> I LOVE u
2014-04-08 16:10:25 | <dnynumberone> he just does this all the time now since we kicked him out of ros
2014-04-08 16:10:28 | <dnynumberone> *rose
2014-04-08 16:10:34 | <dnynumberone> i wasn't even part of the decision
2014-04-08 16:10:36 | <PvtSnowball971> i love T_T
2014-04-08 16:10:54 | <dnynumberone> no i'm just asking him to stop
2014-04-08 16:10:56 | <PvtSnowball971> called ignoring
2014-04-09 14:24:21 | <PvtSnowball971> dny hi
2014-04-09 14:24:36 | <PvtSnowball971> i am in rose useing the iron grinder

2014-04-09 14:26:13 | <dnynumberone> pvt i asked you many times to leave me alone

While not online to witness it, I learned of you bothering players in the town through the logs. You also started to rub it in that you knew what was being said in their clan chat via another player despite being removed from it.

2014-04-09 14:37:04 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> dont block me
2014-04-09 14:37:15 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<dnynumberone> ?
2014-04-09 14:37:10 | <PvtSnowball971> we are with
2014-04-09 14:37:20 | <PvtSnowball971> the idgaf commety

2014-04-09 14:37:30 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> what do you want
2014-04-09 14:37:32 | <ghrey303> committee
2014-04-09 14:37:43 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<erdtZAC> recording him
2014-04-09 14:37:44 | <Avenger__Girl> what do you want
2014-04-09 14:37:55 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<dnynumberone> er just wondering what you were talking about
2014-04-09 14:38:17 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> let me get my stuff pvt
2014-04-09 14:38:28 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> Avenger, is pvt bothering you?
2014-04-09 14:38:32 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> He isn't in chat anymore.
2014-04-09 14:38:35 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<pez252> pvt is in town?
2014-04-09 14:38:39 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> yes!
2014-04-09 14:38:44 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> Do you need help? WHere are you?
2014-04-09 14:38:53 | <PvtSnowball971> i am back in rose baby
2014-04-09 14:38:57 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<erdtZAC> he's going to the iron grinder
2014-04-09 14:39:04 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> im at the item place
2014-04-09 14:39:06 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<erdtZAC> I'm recording him on inv potion
2014-04-09 14:39:16 | <DanteAsLoki> The banhammer cometh
2014-04-09 14:39:20 | <Avenger__Girl> he was blocking me from geting stuff
2014-04-09 14:39:26 | <PvtSnowball971> i made to the grinder frist
2014-04-09 14:39:43 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> if he wants it give it to him
2014-04-09 14:39:47 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<dnynumberone> sorry avenger girl, we kicked him out of rose awhile back and he's griefing us now
2014-04-09 14:39:47 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> You okay now, Avenger?
2014-04-09 14:39:48 | <pez252> Were we racing?
2014-04-09 14:39:55 | <PvtSnowball971> hi invis guy
2014-04-09 14:39:58 | <PvtSnowball971> your cute
2014-04-09 14:40:16 | <PvtSnowball971> what bannable offense
2014-04-09 14:40:31 | <PvtSnowball971> i now what you guys are saying
2014-04-09 14:40:43 | <PvtSnowball971> in rose chat
2014-04-09 14:42:50 | <PvtSnowball971> who recording me in rose i not ready for my close up
2014-04-09 14:43:12 | <PvtSnowball971> pez i have a fly on the wall
2014-04-09 14:43:40 | <PvtSnowball971> who recording me
2014-04-09 14:43:52 | <PvtSnowball971> it really boring what i am doing

2014-04-09 14:43:57 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<erdtZAC> I recorded him being a dick to people trying to open chests in the storage
2014-04-09 14:44:15 | <PvtSnowball971> erdz that not nice
2014-04-09 14:44:18 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<pez252> Oh i see...
2014-04-09 14:44:26 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<erdtZAC> bacause that's not really a kind of griefing mods can check for
2014-04-09 14:44:35 | CH: Running original command on player pez252 ----> /clanchat members rosecity
2014-04-09 14:44:38 | <PvtSnowball971> not really griefing
2014-04-09 14:45:09 | [pez252 -> erdtZAC] Maybe it's jacob giving him clan chat info? I know they're still close.
2014-04-09 14:45:18 | [erdtZAC -> pez252] yeah probably
2014-04-09 14:45:19 | <PvtSnowball971> no sry
2014-04-09 14:45:54 | <PvtSnowball971> erdz why you hate me

2014-04-09 14:46:10 | <pez252> It's probably best to let it go pvt.
2014-04-09 14:46:19 | <PvtSnowball971> i will soon pez

Minutes later you started making fun of them for their "piss poor villagers" after they were killed by another player.

2014-04-09 14:52:09 | <PvtSnowball971> hi kevo
2014-04-09 14:52:17 | <PvtSnowball971> hi
2014-04-09 14:52:53 | <PvtSnowball971> you did see anything

2014-04-09 14:53:02 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> hes infront of me
2014-04-09 14:53:23 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> In storage again?
2014-04-09 14:53:28 | <PvtSnowball971> that not a breach of conduct silly rose were that rule
2014-04-09 14:54:02 | <rob_r> are you responding to clanchat in public chat or something pvt
2014-04-09 14:54:11 | <PvtSnowball971> rose you villagers a piss poor now
2014-04-09 14:54:28 | <PvtSnowball971> rob i am i have birdy telling me

2014-04-09 14:54:32 | <assasymphoni> He is repsonding to clan chat in public chat because he's been banned from the chat
2014-04-09 14:55:36 | <PvtSnowball971> i notsaying anything bad about rose just saying it needs work
2014-04-09 14:55:43 | <erdtZAC> he's also harassing Rose citizens, I have video evidence.
2014-04-09 14:55:48 | <erdtZAC> so yeah
2014-04-09 14:55:49 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<Avenger__Girl> no its just him being horrible
2014-04-09 14:56:01 | <dnynumberone> and apparently griefing our villager traders now
2014-04-09 14:56:03 | <PvtSnowball971> that not nice advenger girl
2014-04-09 14:56:33 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<dnynumberone> he's just young and immature but still
2014-04-09 14:56:36 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<pez252> If we ignore him he is more likely to go away
2014-04-09 14:56:46 | <assasymphoni> Avener hasn't done anything to you -- leave her alone
2014-04-09 14:56:51 | ClanChat: [rose]<erdtZAC> nope, we've been ignoring him for past week
2014-04-09 14:56:52 | <PvtSnowball971> i will not go away and i am not young
2014-04-09 14:56:59 | <PvtSnowball971> i will not do that either

2014-04-09 14:57:02 | <Avenger__Girl> thanks assasy
2014-04-09 14:57:26 | <PvtSnowball971> not every day most day
2014-04-09 14:57:59 | <PvtSnowball971> i not a dick i have been talking
2014-04-09 14:58:06 | <PvtSnowball971> chat now more interesting
2014-04-09 14:58:15 | <PvtSnowball971> i have done my job

2014-04-09 14:58:18 | <deadmemories1> Pvt we all know the intentions behind your "talking". we're not idiots
2014-04-09 14:58:22 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> He killed villagers/
2014-04-09 14:58:37 | assasymphoni issued server command: /modreq Dead villagers. Suspect = PvtSnowball971
2014-04-09 14:59:09 | <PvtSnowball971> i did not kill your villagers rose
2014-04-09 14:59:18 | ClanChat: [rose]<assasymphoni> All our nice ones are dead
2014-04-09 14:59:19 | <PvtSnowball971> stop accusing me of this shit

You brought it up again later while continuing to bother town members and other players.

2014-04-09 15:39:33 | <PvtSnowball971> hi all did rose solve that villagers problem
2014-04-09 15:40:02 | <skiflea> Yeah, someone else confessed to killing them (@Pvt)
2014-04-09 15:40:18 | <PvtSnowball971> i am in roses chest room i still have access to two chest :D
2014-04-09 15:41:00 | <PvtSnowball971> it was me

2014-04-09 15:41:09 | <CROCKODUCK> PvT don't do that
2014-04-09 15:41:09 | <PvtSnowball971> you caught
2014-04-09 15:41:17 | <PvtSnowball971> there no proof
2014-04-09 15:46:13 | <PvtSnowball971> hey is there a space i can leave me horse in rose?
2014-04-09 15:47:08 | <PvtSnowball971> what goal is accoplished in getting me banned ROSE?
2014-04-09 15:53:31 | <PvtSnowball971> rose i need a sheep
2014-04-09 15:53:43 | <PvtSnowball971> i take one ty

2014-04-09 15:54:22 | <assasymphoni> You can breed one and take the baby.
2014-04-09 15:54:36 | <PvtSnowball971> ass that not how it works in rose
2014-04-09 15:54:46 | <PvtSnowball971> i already took 5 ty

2014-04-09 15:55:04 | <ManicMonday> literal douche
2014-04-09 15:55:11 | <assasymphoni> You can't do that!
2014-04-09 15:55:13 | <PvtSnowball971> that rude
2014-04-09 15:55:14 | <dontera> Pvt, you are an absolute ass, just thought you should know that
2014-04-09 15:55:22 | <PvtSnowball971> that rude
2014-04-09 15:55:32 | <Iced8383> don't feed the troll
2014-04-09 15:55:32 | <PvtSnowball971> T_T those personal attack

2014-04-09 16:00:31 | <PvtSnowball971> i love rose
2014-04-09 16:00:35 | <PvtSnowball971> you love rose
2014-04-09 16:00:44 | <PvtSnowball971> we all hate jacob
2014-04-09 16:00:52 | <PvtSnowball971> so we all mine diamond
2014-04-09 16:02:37 | <PvtSnowball971> i love rose
2014-04-09 16:02:46 | <PvtSnowball971> <3
2014-04-09 16:03:13 | <PvtSnowball971> what the worst town
2014-04-09 16:06:40 | <PvtSnowball971> were is the secret cat room rose?

2014-04-09 16:06:49 | <Aypop> why do you want to know
2014-04-09 16:07:00 | <PvtSnowball971> i like cats ........ maybe
2014-04-09 16:07:27 | <PvtSnowball971> do not worry about the puppies there dead
2014-04-09 16:07:48 | <PvtSnowball971> i got them last night >:(

2014-04-09 16:08:25 | ClanChat: [rosecity]<assasymphoni> Puppies are fine. He's a posturing jerk
2014-04-09 16:08:42 | <PvtSnowball971> i am not a jerk that rude ass
2014-04-09 16:09:09 | <PvtSnowball971> i have manger operms
2014-04-09 16:11:14 | <PvtSnowball971> hat good that they been replaced rose
2014-04-09 16:11:43 | <PvtSnowball971> why you no talk about me rose in clanchat
2014-04-09 16:12:24 | <PvtSnowball971> np wondr am i braking rules?
2014-04-09 16:13:17 | <PvtSnowball971> is lotterying against server rules?
2014-04-09 16:15:25 | <PvtSnowball971> i need a potion of harming

Turns out as I was going through the logs you continued to address dnynumberone after he's asked you to leave him alone, this time for reporting you.

2014-04-09 19:24:45 | <PvtSnowball971> hi dyn how that grief modreq go?

Your recent behavior is unacceptable and has proved that you have no respect for our rules or our players. Considering the evidence posted here and the multiple warnings you have received via bans and messages, you are banned for one year. You may appeal no sooner than April 9th, 2015. If you do chose to appeal I hope to see a change in your conduct.

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