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carbuck456 [Diamond_Lover123]


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I was being a bit of a douchebag and I was flaming hard and straight up mentally abusing people. I don't know why I did it, but ever since I got banned I've missed this server and I feel real bad about it.
I've read the rules a few more times and I'm going to stop breaking them, and I'm going to not use stupid names on the forums again. Sorry for being a dick guys.

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Ban information:


Ban #13668502 by Diamond_Lover123 on 2014-04-04 15:43:00 for Using modreqs to get around a mute after being warned twice. nerd.nu/appeal


Note #4116 by mschmidt02 on 2011-12-09 16:03:05 -- minor griff

Note #4447 by mschmidt02 on 2011-12-17 16:41:38 -- If he makes another spammed req, ban him.

Note #36899 by Diamond_Lover123 on 2014-04-06 15:33:08 -- Warned for racism and trolling.


Previous ban appeals:









Hello carbuck456, prior to your ban, you had been muted for using a racial slur. During your mute, you tried using modreqs to try and get around it. Modreqs are not to be used as a means of evading a mute, nor are they to be used for conversations. Before you were banned, I had given you 2 warnings, which can be seen here or at http://nerd.nu/modreq/creative.pl:

750 carbuck456 yo im sorry if i offended you by quoting kanye west, but thats life man closed Diamond_Lover123  

749 carbuck456 at least unmute me so i can stop using modreq and just message you to say why you're wrong closed Diamond_Lover123 This is your last warning, don't use modreqs to get around a mute.

748 carbuck456 this is legit mod abuse closed Diamond_Lover123 If you have a problem with it, talk to a head admin.

747 carbuck456 http://rapgenius.com/Kanye-west-send-it-up-lyrics#note-1872130 closed Diamond_Lover123  

746 carbuck456 if you think what i said was racism you need to leave your little bubble and enter the world closed Diamond_Lover123  

745 carbuck456 look up racism, you need to learn son closed Diamond_Lover123 Don't use modreqs to get around your mute.


Afterwards, you then made an appeal with a racist slur in your forums username, despite this ordeal being started by a mute for using a racist slur in game.


Your previous bans/notes are rather old, but I will take them into account. Due to previous ban history and blatant violation of the rules with your original choice of forums username, I'm setting your ban length at 2 weeks from the original ban date. To be unbanned, make a new appeal on April 20, 2014 stating that you have read the rules and agree to follow them from that moment onwards.

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