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darthcoolguy [buzzie71]


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I am here to appeal a ban. I was banned yesterday for greifing. I had destroyed  ugly dirt thing above my base , later an admin came and asked why I did this however i could not answer this at the point in time as my mum was shouting at me. I then left. The next morning I logged back on to play and explain why I did it, however I was banned without the admin hearing my side of the story. Here it is:

1)    According to the rules of construction 1+4 he is a. not allowed to build so close to me and b. he has to ask me for permission before starting a super-build, however he was creating a super-build on top of my base. He also only asked if it was ok if he could build after he had started.

2)    I would not have brought it down if it had been a proper build out of cobble, bricks or the suchlike; however it was built out of dirt. This A. was ugly and B. was not permanent and was only a place holder for the project.

3)    I was at this area before him and I had started making a small town with some friends; minedragoner, ggroggs etc. He came in and ruined those plans.

4)    It was only the part above my base, mot the whole thing.

I hope you understand this and unban me. I will have learned to ask first and may I ask if the admin who banned me can take his time next time.



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Hello darthcoolguy. Please wait for buzzie71 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal.

Ban information:
Ban for darthcoolguy on c.nerd.nu for griefing on P nerd.nu/appeal by buzzie71 on 2014-04-24 15:22:50 (no more bans, no notes)

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Hello darthcoolguy,


You were banned for the removal of an arc of about 230 dirt blocks that were placed by another player.  


I understand why you did what you did.  In instances like this, you should make a modreq about it.  Even better, find who built the structure and try to work out an agreement or a compromise with the player.  But removing part of another players' build without their consent for any reason is still against our rules, regardless of whether you think the players' build was violating the rules.  






Please take a read through the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules, and reply here tomorrow (April 26) stating that you have read the rules and agree to abide by them from then on to be unbanned.  If you have any other questions, feel free to ask either here or in a forum PM, or in-game after you return.

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I have reread the rules and i understand what i have done wrong, all i was trying to do was make the building site and the area where I was originally, the way I like it. I will say sorry and give the dirt ect to the owner and hopefully we can make an arrangement :) - can i get unbanned?

Edited by Darthcoolguy
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