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5th Anniversary CTF Info Post


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Hey everyone! It’s time to give out the final details for our Capture the Flag fundraiser. As a free public server, these events have typically been held yearly to cover the cost of running the servers. Any donations are appreciated, but we completely understand that not everyone is able to or wants to donate. To donate and to keep track of the score, go to nerd.nu/donate. We would love to have you all celebrate MCPublic’s 5 year of existence with us.

The event will run from 5 PM EDT on Saturday the 7th (convert to your time zone here). Running for 24 hours, we’ll wrap things up at 5 PM EDT on Sunday the 8th. During this event the creative, PvE, and survival servers will be taken down. To familiarize yourself before hand, here is a copy of the rulebook for Capture the Flag.

Once again, we’ll be seeing a fierce battle between red and blue. However, we thought it’d be more fun to give our fighters a tactical head start. Here’s a full list of the power blocks that will be available for this match. No more guessing, no more experimenting, but much more time for planning and scheming. Remember these blocks and what they do, but also remember to use them better than your enemy.

  • Diamond Block: Jump Boost
  • Emerald Block: Nausea
  • Glowstone: Fire Resistance
  • Gold Block: Regeneration
  • Ice: Speed II
  • Iron Block: Resistance
  • Quartz Block: Invisibility
  • Soul Sand: Slowness III
  • Black Stained Clay: Weakness
  • Purple Stained Clay: Night Vision
  • Lime Stained Clay: Poison
  • Orange Stained Clay: Health Boost II
  • Team’s Color Wool: Resistance
  • Enemy’s Color Wool: Wither Effect
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