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EvanDawesome [Barlimore]


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Ok so it was about a year ago i got banned and i was so angry i never made an appeal but i miss the server now and am upset an admin banned me just because i stood near a swastika making it "obviously me" who built it like really. Anyway i wish to be pardoned and hopefully have some more trust among staff.

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Hello EvanDawesome, we don't ban someone for standing next to something. We have plugin, LogBlock, which logs every block you place, and this is what barlimore used to verify that you built the swastika. That being said, please read the rules and reply here stating that you have read and will follow them.


Ban information:


Ban for EvanDawesome on c.nerd.nu for Swastika on C. Minor griefing. nerd.nu/appeal by barlimore on 2013-06-14 19:29:46 (no more bans, no notes)

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ok i understand


i am trying to copy what i read here


  • Please be respectful and civil towards your fellow players. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
  • No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech.
  • Excessively negative comments or disruptive arguments/discussions in global chat are not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions concerning politics, religion, issues with staff/policy, issues with specific other players, or validity of bans. Any and all such conversations should be conducted in/moved to private channels, such as /msg, clanchat, or /mail.
  • Players using modifications to change gameplay may be asked to stop, kicked, or banned with little or no warning depending on the severity of the situation.This includes, but is not limited to: noclip, invincibility, speed modification, xray/ore-detection, and duping hacks. (Note that Survival has its own list of approved client mods; see below.)
  • No griefing, including but not limited to:
    • Destroying blocks placed by other players.
    • Placing blocks or leaving inappropriate signs on other player’s structures.
    • Flooding structures.
    • Spamming items.
    • Destroying crops without replanting.
    • Note that this rule is not applicable on the chaos server.
  • No "grief-baiting". This means that players cannot try to get other players in trouble by tricking/forcing them to destroying structures in an attempt to get the player warned or banned.
  • No attempts to circumvent any protections on the server, including but not limited to the server script, LWC (Chest protection), WorldGuard (Block protection), and No Cheat Plus.
  • No use of bugs or exploits (eg: item duping).
  • Redstone mechanisms, dispensers, and pistons may be removed at moderator discretion; abuse of these (e.g. lag inducing) may result in a ban.
  • Admins reserve the right to reset player data as needed.
  • No sharing of illegal content.
  • Do not spam chat. This includes but it not limited to:
    • Advertising non-nerd.nu servers.
    • Roleplaying in general chat.
    • Trolling in chat.
  • Do not abuse/spam commands.
  • No posting of other players' personal information without their explicit permission in general chat or to anyone else on the servers, including but not limited to: names, photographs, addresses, and social networking profiles.
  • No NSFW constructions (e.g. giant phallic buildings).
  • No offensive or inappropriate skins. Failure to change when asked by a mod may result in a ban until it is changed.
  • Absolutely no impersonation of staff members.
  • We are not in the business of protecting players' alt accounts - but if a player has made it clear that they don't want their alt accounts publicized, then you need to respect that. Taunting players with the names of their alt accounts, particularly if those players have made it clear that they are uncomfortable with this, will be treated as harassment.
  • If you are banned under one account you cannot play on other accounts on the server while the ban is still in effect. If you are caught playing on alt accounts while your main account is banned will result in your alt accounts being permanently banned.
  • You are responsible for your own account. Anything that is done on your account will be viewed as done by you, and will be treated as such.
  • Any rules placed at spawn on the servers supersede the rules here as they will generally be more up-to-date
Edited by EvanDawesome
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