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plague006 [tompreuss]


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My in-game username is plague006, and I'm not really sure why I was banned from the server. As far as I know I hadn't broken any rules: I read the full rules on the signs in spawn and was building in Ambrosia according to rules. I was in the process of building an automated smelter and tore down the other one, but it was with the permission of sir_didymus (spelling might not be right? mayor of Ambrosia).


A list of mods I use:

Forge - LexManos and cpw
Advanced Genetics - ObsiLP
AE2 Tech AddOn - fireball1725
Applied Energistics 2 - AlgorithmX2
Armor Status HUD - bspkrs
Aroma1997Core - Aroma1997
Aroma Backup - Aroma1997
Backpack - Eydamos
bdlib - bdew
Baubles - Azanor
BiblioCraft - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods[boP] - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods[Forestry] - Nuchaz
BiblioWoods[Natura] - Nuchaz
Biomes O Plenty - TDWP_FTB and Adubbz
Blood Magic - WayofTime
Botania - Vazkii
bspkrsCore - bspkrs
Buildcraft - Spacetoad and the Buildcraft Team
Carpenter's Blocks - MineShopper
Chisel - AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN and pokefenn
CodeChickenCore - Chicken Bones
CodeChickenLib - Chicken Bones
CoFHCore - Team CoFH
CoFHLib - Team CoFH
Dense Ores - RWTema
Enchiridion - Joshiejack
EnderIO - CrazyPants
Ender Storage - Chicken Bones
Equivalent Exchange 3 - Pahimar
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Forestry - SirSengir and the Forestry Team
Forge Multipart - Chicken Bones
Gany's End - ganymedes01 and KingPurpleRaptor
Gany's Nether - ganymedes01 and KingPurpleRaptor
Gendustry - bdew
Hopperduct - FyberOptic
Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
Ironchest - cpw and ProgWML6
Jabba - Professor Mobius
JourneyMap Unlimited - techbrew
LibSandstone - X3n0ph0b3 and TheMike

LunatriusCore - Lunatrius
Mantle - SlimeKnights
Mariculture - Joshiejack
MineFactory Reloaded - skyboy026

Monster Spawn Highlighter - Lunatrius
Natura - mDiyo and ProgWML6
NEIaddons - bdew
Nether Ores - skyboy026
Not Enough Items - Chicken Bones
Painted Stone - mDiyo
Pam's HarvestCraft - MatrexsVigil
PneumaticCraft - MineMaarten
Progressive Automation - Vanhal
Random Things - lumien231
RemoteIO - dmillerw
Rotateable Blocks - AlgorithmX2
Status Effect HUD - bspkrs
Steves Carts 2 - Vswe
Steves Factory Manager - Vswe
Tinker's Construct - SlimeKnights
TiC Tooltips - Squeek
TMechworks - SlimeKnights
Twilight Forest - Benimatic
VeinMiner - Portable Jim
Waila - Professor Mobius
Witchery - Emoniph

Zyins HUD - Zyin005


Additionally, I use the oCd resource pack.


If any of the mods I use conflict with the rules, I apologize. I use the mods for single-player and didn't realize if any of those were the issue. I'd be willing to remove any offending mods from my install.


Thanks for your time,


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Ban information:


Ban for plague006 on c.nerd.nu for xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-08-06 18:34:53 (no more bans, no notes)


Please be patient and wait for tompreuss to handle your appeal.  If no response has been given within 48 hours of your post, you are free to Bring Up My Post (BUMP) this thread and again once every 48 hours from then on.


I have changed the title of this appeal to reflect your IGN as well as the IGN of the banning moderator.

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I got in touch with my nephew who was using my computer the other day, he told me he was using an X-ray glitch to gather diamonds.

So I rescind my ban appeal, it's completely valid: my account, my responsibility regardless of who's at keyboard.

I have two requests if possible. The first is knowing how long my ban will be (or if it's permanent) the other request is concerning the automatic furnace I was creating. There are several ways to address this. Varying from simply reverting my changes, completing the build (just 7-8 blocks still need to be placed, or as a worst case: at least just informing the ambrosia mayor so that he is informed I'll be unable to complete the project.

Thanks for any assistance,


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Ban #14042157 for plague006 on c.nerd.nu for xray on P nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-08-06 18:34:53 (no more bans, no notes)


Hi plague006,

Thanks for admitting that you xrayed.








All of your items and edits have been removed, and I already spoke to Sir_Didymus yesterday regarding their removal.

You're banned for a month. Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-09-07 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.

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