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[03/07]Chaos Arena Feedback Thread


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To keep it consistent with last week, the S Arena Team would like to know what your opinions were of this most recent arena. How was the pacing? What did you think of the Arena? Were the brackets fun for you? What did you think of the provided kits? Were the prizes adequate? Mostly, what I personally would like to know, what kind of arena would you like to see in Revision 28? All player feedback is taken into consideration(good and bad) and will ultimately help us make these weekly Arenas fun and engaging for everyone.

Again, thank you for your criticisms and opinions, and a special thanks to all of this weeks participants!

Edited by iamdarb
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Overall it's been run pretty damn nicely, but listing exactly what event it is that we're entering before you display the word to type for entry would be nice, for consistency. 
I'd also like to see the kits being varied up, and if that's a no-no it'd be really great to see Instant Health 2 splashes rather than Instant Health 1 drinking potions, just to add to the combat. 

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Overall it's been run pretty damn nicely, but listing exactly what event it is that we're entering before you display the word to type for entry would be nice, for consistency. 

I'd also like to see the kits being varied up, and if that's a no-no it'd be really great to see Instant Health 2 splashes rather than Instant Health 1 drinking potions, just to add to the combat. 

We'll definitely list the bracket before the keyword is announced! And we'll also discuss the kits with the admins. Thanks for the feedback!

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