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Dragon Age: Templars vs. Mages?


Who did you side with? Mages or Templars?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Did you side with the Mages or Templars

    • Mages
    • Templars

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Dragon Age- a game created by BioWare. There is a war between the mages and templars of Thedas. The templars see mages as apostates and are always on the hunt for them trying to contain them in the Circle of Magic. Mages, on the other hand feel as if they have the rights to practice magic wherever they want to. Due to these templar pursuits, many mages fall into blood magic turning them mad and making them the abominations templars say they are.


In Dragon Age 2, that is the main issue in the third and fourth act, and you have to make a choice. 


I chose to help the mages in each game, I am curious to see what other players of these games chose. 


Please give your reason why when responding.

Edited by THE_BA_GAMER
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