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[PMC] Up and Downvotes


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I know its the same theme again but wait.


It seems we forgot to reset the Votes we made during the Testphase, because there are 2 downvotes from me made on posts of jcll that i made to test if i can change my oppinion later.

Also i would like a possibility to take up and downvotes back, because i just downvoted i think 2 posts by accident now because my mouse spazzed out.


And last but not least we should tell [Redacted] that he doesnt need to downvote every post that has been made, because he almost downvoted 90% of the posts here now.

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Oh good to know about that limit ;-)

And the other two things i mentioned ?

And also is there a docu about the forum its features and stuff like that ?

if yes sauce plz 


or squidward gets it :Villager:    :Creeper: 

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