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monkeyriot97 [totemo]


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I do not understand why I was banned for using x-ray, I was building a cobblestone generator and the next moment I was banned. A few minutes before that I dug around underground trying to find mobs to kill, I used the sounds of mobs and and water that I could hear to get around, If I got banned because I stopped using torches, then I can explain that as well, I RAN OUT, I turned up the brightness on my laptop and continued to dig around, I was really enjoying this server, and wanted to build something fun and awesome. I wasn't swearing or attacking people or being an annoying player in any way. ;

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Ha ha ha.  Somehow, I knew you were going to be one of those guys that denies xraying. :)


All the diamond edits were off the sides of pre-existing excavations.  You also xrayed iron and a dungeon.


You're banned for one month, as is standard practice in dealing with xray on this server.  Your inventory was cleared and all your edits have been wiped from the map.  The ores you took are permanently removed.


Here are your edits, as logged by the server.  The stone edits are shown in full; there is nothing more to your tunnels.














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