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Gov [Mrloud15]


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Hello! Gov here! ("Banned: Attempting to interfere with the arena, will unban when it's over")


Near the end of today's arena event (right before the Admin hunt), I discovered that you could enter early by punching the block while spamming the 'use' button to reach the sign behind it. Forever_a_Steve and I did this for a while, killing each other until we got noticed and got Thor'd a few times. On the last instance I got in (after the admin hunt had started but during the timespan the pistons weren't retracting and letting the others in) I was kicked from the arena and banned.


I agree with this, I was derping around a bit too much, and though I meant no harm by it, I understand the ban and know it was for all the right reasons. 


I'm not entirely sure with regard to whether or not I should post this (the notification seemed to imply I wouldn't have to, but I've heard from others that this was necessary, so may as well), and I apologize if this post was unnecessary.


Best wishes, hope to see everyone soon!


- Gov 

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