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Heartshine 2:The real appeal (Sir_Didymus)


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Hey there, I'm sorry about what happened today, I've stopped being angry about it, I've read over the rules with the fact and the invisibility potions and I'd like to come back, I probably won't be able to to speed build today and that is fine, I'd just rather come back

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Guest Former Staff



It's been less than 24 hours since your first sensible appeal, please be more patient and allow Sir_Didymus to respond. Continual bumps will result in a longer ban duration.

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Hey Heartshine,


Thanks for writing out a mature ban appeal – I can see you’ve taken some time to calm down.


You were banned for using items (invisibility potions) that are very clearly not allowed in game, as stated here and in the in-game rulebook. Whether or not the item is blocked, you should be well aware of the rule by now, having spent so much time on the server.


However, the greater issue, is how you were using the potions to harass other players. This is part of a larger concern that the staff have about your behaviour in game. It’s time you got a handle on how you react to other people.


We have spoken before at length, but now I would like to see you agree formally to the following conditions:

  • You will not respond to things that annoy you with extreme anger, threats, insults or harassing behaviour, and if you feel yourself getting angry you will log off to calm down.
  • You will not try to police the server, players or staff and will instead stick to creating, building and having fun.

The response I would like to see is simply an agreement, after which you will be unbanned. If you then go on to violate these conditions, you can expect a much longer ban. However, I am hopeful that we can resolve this quickly and maturely, and that you can start afresh.



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I can try my best to do both of the things you have mentioned, I can see I get a bit Hot-headed from time to time, Anger slowly deludes into sadness for me...

Also you can talk to holli about what pixels sent me

Anyway Thanks, And I hope I can come back soon

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Thank you for agreeing to the conditions I have put forward. Please bear this agreement in mind when interacting on the server from now on.


(As to your other comment - if you have any further concerns, please contact us rather than making public accusations, which is against our rules. I suggest having another read of them here http://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/Rules before logging back in).


I will unban you now, but remember that violating the above conditions, that you have agreed to, will result in a much longer ban.

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