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2016 Financial Update


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Hey everyone! Now that CTF is wrapped up and the fundraiser is set I thought it was time for another financial update. 


During the drive, we received $3,173.60 in donations, a HUGE thank you to every single person who donated. After fees we get to keep $3,038.98 which puts us just over the 12 month mark for funding! 


We still have the two servers, the primary one where pve, pvp, creative, and event run, as well as the second box that hosts the forums, map downloads, and holds some of our more critical information in backup. 


We did enter into a 1-year contract with our server host, which has saved us some money and allowed us to go a bit longer between fundraisers. This dropped our primary box from $238USD/month to $135USD/month (until feb 2017). The secondary box is still at $51CAD/month, with the forums at $25USD/6 months. With the 1.9 update we did have to pay for one of our plugins, but that is expected to be a one-time fee.


The plus side is this does leave us with the ability to expand some of our infrastructure - most notably that it takes an increasing amount of space to hold all of our old maps and backups as revisions progress; we'll be following up with the techadmins to get a clearer picture of our needs.


Below is a summary of our expenses since the last fundraiser 

(all figures in USD)



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