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Unity: Ancients - a story serial


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Hello again, and welcome to a new story serial!


Unity Origins focused on the state of the map that led to Unity's creation.  In Ancients, the focus moves mainly further into the past.  The story itself is set in the period following the war betweeen Akro and Megatown and the launch of Unity, where the ambition of the surviving towns, emboldened by the conclusion of the war, lies once again in pushing the limits of knowledge.  But not every new discovery is a joyous one...


The story will again be hosted online, at http://unityancients.tumblr.com.


Once again, any resemblances to real players or locations in Minecraft/PvE are largely coincidental.  There are a few exceptions, one of which is a few deliberate references that may be outdated (since writing started long ago).  There are also mentions of some story elements in and related to the recent CTF, particularly if you were on the lime team.  Finally, the story does also connect to the CMC Starlogs authored by saberfysh, though these will be apparent later in the story.  


(Speaking of which, if you want to voice your opinion of CTF, come to this thread and make it known!)


The first segment was posted yesterday, August 28.  The rest of the first part will be posted every other day at midnight Eastern time, with the last segment scheduled for posting July 18.


Please note: Though I think the current tumblr theme is aesthetically pleasing and suited for the story and header image, I'm aware that it also tends to eliminate the spacing between lines/paragraphs and make story segments look more like a literal wall of text.  Bear with me - I'll see if I can do better.

Edited by buzzie71
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  • 3 weeks later...

The story segments for Part 2 are now queued up for release on http://unityancients.tumblr.com.  The first one went up tonight, July 20, and another segment will be posted every other day at midnight Eastern time until August 9.  


Yes, I've redone the blog theme so lines and paragraphs appear properly spaced now.  And yes, things might begin to get a little weird...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Part 3 (the last) story segments have been queued on http://unityancients.tumblr.com.  The first one went up today, August 15, and another segment will be posted every other day at midnight Eastern time until August 27.  Be warned, though there are few segments in this part, many of them are longer than usual.  Allusions to saberfysh's CMC Starlogs can be found here too.


This concludes the story-related updates.  If you have made it this far, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it!

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