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Heartshine [torteela]


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This again?


Oh dear, Also I ready the modreq about it, And I never got to read the mail you apparently sent me.


Anyway I know what I did, and the thing is, PPgome already knows that I talk to him about his skins he made like this, and it's just the way things like this work,


So yeah, I know these rules by now and whatnot but it's just the way things work at this point,


Am Sorry about the troubles,



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This isn't the first time you've been in trouble for this. You have a previous warn for harassment in all-chat eight months ago, as well as this recent ban appeal for harassment among other things. You were banned this time for harassing another user in chat from the moment they logged in until they left because they didn't want to deal with you anymore. 


There are two things that really bothered me about this, even though the actual harassment wasn't anything particularly harsh. One is that the user you were harassing was much younger than you. You started in on them thinking they were 4 years old, then when it turned out to be their older (but still much younger than you) brother on the account you continued. The second thing is that you seemed to take pride in harassing him and other younger users on C, which you bragged about in genchat and clanchat. You also fell back on your habit of trying to police the server, accusing the user of griefing and ban evasion in general chat. In your previous appeal you agreed to the following two terms:

  • You will not respond to things that annoy you with extreme anger, threats, insults or harassing behaviour, and if you feel yourself getting angry you will log off to calm down.
  • You will not try to police the server, players or staff and will instead stick to creating, building and having fun.

Both of these things you did in this situation, and by your own admission you've been harassing other users as well. Harassing other users to the point they don't want to play is not "the way things work." The rules apply equally to everyone and you can't pick and choose which ones you want to follow. 


I could ask you to type out that you know what you did was wrong, but we've been through that before. It hasn't worked, and it doesn't seem like you think you did anything wrong so I don't see the point. I just really want you to take some time away from Nerd to think about your behavior and the way you treat others.


Your ban is set at 10 days. Reapply on the 13th and you will be unbanned. Any future harassment or anything similar will result in a ban length of a minimum of one month.

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