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The Great Horse Expedition (Sat 17.6. 19:00 UTC)


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Several people have already roamed the new P rev on their own or with their friends, but now it's time to setup an expedition for the masses!


Everyone's free to join The Great Horse Expedition that will leave from spawn on Saturday 17.6. 19:00 UTC.


So bring yourself with your horse/donkey/mule, a minecart and a boat for some detours (to reach certain places where horses have hard time going), and some food. We will start with heading west and zig zagging the area for the sights and continue through the map clockwise. At some points we might take a nether portal to advance. I will plot our course beforehand so we're not aimlessly wandering. The goal is to explore most of the settlements people have made out there, take screenshots and have fun! We shall also have a mumble channel (or discord, we'll see) for the event.

We did this already in a smaller scale last rev and it was a lot of fun, so hopefully a lot of you want to join!


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