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1.12 Update This Weekend


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We're excited to announce that tomorrow on Sunday, July 9, both Creative and PvE will update to Minecraft 1.12! If you're not familiar with the contents of the update, take a look at the 1.12 changelog to see all of the awesome new features you should be hyped about.

Here's our planned schedule for the update:

  • At 3PM EDT, Creative will be taken down for about an hour while it's updated to 1.12.
  • At 4PM EDT, after Creative comes back up on 1.12, PvE will be taken down for an hour to be updated.
  • At 5PM EDT, PvE will come back up on 1.12.

Don't tune out during the downtime because after Creative comes back up in 1.12 at 4PM EDT, the CAdmins will be hosting a special 1.12-themed speedbuild event on Creative at /warp speedbuild! Minigames will also be updated to 1.12, for those who would like to participate in Capture the Flag or King of the Hill during the downtime.

In addition to the vanilla 1.12 gameplay changes, look forward to posts from the CAdmins and PAdmins before the update containing information about additional changes that will be coming to the servers.

I hope you're all as excited as we are for the new 1.12 changes, and we'll see you all there!

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