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kempy92 [kitcatbar]


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Hey guys,


Banned for 'griefing'. Not sure what I did exactly.


Never played the game before, so decided a Reddit server was best. Loaded it up, all was good. Asked around where I can build, got told "Rose parks" (i think thats the name, its 960x960 anyway), went there, found a free block... built a house with supplies i found in a chest in the middle of the road [i assume public chest cause it had a sign and wasn't locked]. Made a /modreq to secure my land, then 'theclefe' a neighbour gave me some supplies and showed me how to rest in his bed, where I can mine [deep underground through his tunnel] etc. Started mining, fell of a ledge and died, respawned at the ship and logged out.


Tried to login today 3 days later, banned. I'm sure there's logs on the server, and chatlog will show I'm just a noob who was asking questions, getting help, trying to obey the rules, do everything etc.


my best guess is it wasn't a public chest?


Cheers guys.


edit: I remember finding an unfinished bridge that had a sign saying something like "I've given up, you can continue if you want" so I think I took 2 or 3 signs and a torch? I can't remember. Maybe that

Edited by kempy92
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Hey kempy92,


You did in fact take signs and torches from the bridge, but that wasn't the sole reason for your ban. I keep finding various minor destructions from you (one, two, and three) that weren't a big deal, but had no apparent reason to be destroyed. The main edits I thought warranted a ban, combined with these, was when you harvested a farm without replanting (a very common mistake), but then went on to dig out the soil from the farm. There's no reason for digging up other player's farmland other than griefing.


Know that griefing is against the rules, and that includes taking any blocks that aren't yours, and not replanting farms. As for the chest you were talking about, if there was a sign saying it's public you're free to take from it. Just be aware that taking from unlocked chests that don't have a sign giving permission is against the rules.


The time I would have initially banned you for is already past, so I'll unban you now. The full list of rules is here, and I'd suggest going over them before coming back on. Welcome back!

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