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Archaeologists' Guild: The Lost Slime Golems


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"An urgent memo from Chief Archaeologist Jones has been dispatched to the four corners of the overworld. It reads:

'To all intrepid adventurers and would-be archaeologists, we seek your help as we have found ourselves in a very sticky situation. Our latest discovery, the Lost Slime Golems has been unearthed, yet the greatest secret alludes us. It seems that with your help, if we can find the remaining Lost Slime Golems hidden across what we believe to be the overworld, then we can crack the final code! We strongly believe from our recent exploration that these Lost Slime Golems should be visible on the surface from the seismic digging and fighting that has been happening for the past few weeks.

It is clear that if we unlock this final mystery, then we will uncover an ancient slime spawner. We have no need for such trinkets as cracking the mystery alone will be enough for us! The first person to solve this puzzle can certainly have the spinning slime object, wherever you like in the overworld!"


The memo continues on into discussion onto the best biscuit discoveries of recent times, and other drivel.


  • This event is now live.
  • This event is a scavenger hunt.
  • Start the event by finding any Lost Slime Golem, with the first at the Archaeologists' Guild (coordinates: 15, 68, -50). The hand-in for all 10 items is also at this same spot at spawn.
  • Each of the Lost Slime Golems will provide 1/10 of the items needed to complete the event.
  • Completing the event will reward a prize box, which is available for viewing at the Archaeologists' Guild.
  • Only the first person to complete the final secret will unlock a slime spawner, which we will place at a location of your choosing in the overworld*.
    • If you are the first to complete this event, the padmins will reach out to you to inform you of your success and arrange delivery of your slime spawner.

*Slime spawning rules require a swamp biome, which we will create around the spawner, and also for the spawner to be between Y 50 and 70. The spawner must be placed within 7 days, or we will hand this prize over to the next person, and so on, until we see the spawner placed. The spawner must be requested to be placed in your own claim/region, or elsewhere with permission from the respective parties.

Edited by Guest
Formatting fun.
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