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May 2019 Staff Clean-up


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Hello everyone,

Here's the May update for staff-cleanup.  (Started in April, dragged through May!)

Current staff can be found on the staff page.


Based on activity levels (and conversations with players)

  • Moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF
    • None this rotation


  • Moved from MODERATOR to INACTIVE
    • Grenbug - per request.


  • We have reached out to an additional 7 staff members regarding their activity levels and willingness to remain on staff.


(New category!)

Other staff updates that have happened since the last cleanup or didn't fall into the above categories: 

  • Moved from INACTIVE to PAST STAFF
    • Dumbo(techadmin)  -per request
  • Moved from Admin to Moderator
    • bermudalocket(techadmin) -per request



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