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nathan0401 [Appeal]


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Hello, my name is Nathan and I loved the creative server when I last played it but would like to appeal a ban, the reason I am trying to appeal is because I was trying to play the Creative server (c.nerd.nu) and couldn't play because there seems to be a mistake in banning,Ā  It says I was banned for griefing on Survival and Creative as well as spamming /modreq and chat harassment. I do not remember doing such activities because I don't ever do those things when I'm on servers and this is the first time I've noticed in a long time that I am banned because I just tried to play today.

If I do end up having broke the rules, IĀ  promise that I will do better in the future to not break any of them and will gladly follow each one and that I am sorry for breaking said rules.

Thanks for reading this.


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