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Kayla_Kros [maxxymus666]


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Hello, I was banned a long time ago for griefing or a hack client or something, I do not even have access to such things anymore, I am also a different person, I would like to have my ban on the plugin removed please, you can keep me banned locally on your server or something, But I would like for my ban to please be removed from the plugin, so I can continue playing on a server I enjoy playing on, that recently decided it was a good idea to get the same plugin. Again, this was like, years ago, and I am sorry. Aina_Gothly is also a related name on the list, that is my alt.

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Hello Kayla_Kros, 


Your ban is almost two years old and you were banned for using a hacked client.


Ban for Kayla_Kros on c.nerd.nu for Hacked client. nerd.nu/appeal by maxxymus666 on 2011-08-22 16:46:59 (no more bans, no notes)


You're unbanned and welcome to play on our servers again, but do not use clients that are against the rules.





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