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Creative 25 Now In Preparation


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We're entering preparation for creative 25. We have a number of tasks to complete from building spawn directly upon the map to filling in the rivers to setting up the initial warps. This will progress upon one of our currently un-used servers so that we can test plugins (where needed) and copy schematics over from contest winners.

You can view our progress via a document. This is not an exhaustive list and is mainly to keep a track of what we need to physically add to the map between the builders.

Progress has been slow for this reset, so I take responsibility and apologise for this as the map has been in my hands. I really appreciate how patient you have all been, much more than I as I've been eagerly awaiting the reset since planning between Cyotie, Dumbo and I first began.

So what does this mean for creative 24, the current revision?
We will announce a reset date one week in advance but I would recommend taking the time to complete any builds you're still working on now. We will look into a chaos mode for those final days of creative too as I understand that this has been a popular request.


We're currently using a specific whitelist for the group of people involved with the planning so this is not open to all staff, however we will not turn down help from any additional moderators who wish to be involved. Please contact me if you're interested in helping.

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