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THE_SUSSY_CHANEL [Fluffhead555]


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when i logged in to the server, it said i was banned for leaving one of my Redstone things running in mapworld. i do admit that i left some redstone running, but i dont really remember what stuff i left running. the only thing i really remember is that i had to log off to do something and i forgot to turn off some redstone in my redstone plot before logging off. i dont remember anything else that i did.

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You were banned for using up a map world plot for a build which did not belong there. Additionally, you left a minecart running on a circular enclosed track and a block of TNT that you tried to activate using a redstone torch. However, due to this being a minor offense, I will unban you after you've reread the rules of the server (https://nerd.nu/rules/). Reply to this thread once you have done so.


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