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segadude20000 [thrawn21]

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Apologies for the delay, studying for finals has consumed the majority of my time. 


You have been demodded and banned for using your moderating powers for personal gain, something we take very seriously. 


On Creative, you used the mod's ability to rollback edits (used to undo griefers) on your own builds 44 times. I ignored all the smaller or singular /lbrb-r's, as they can be explained as fixing an accidental block break in the course of moderating, but clusters of commands, or ones with larger radii are build removals. You also used your ability to rollback for a friend


In addition, you used the command //drain (which removes all liquid in a radius, as opposed to doing it manually with sand or gravel), a grand total of 237 times. Again, I ignored legitimate uses of //drain during modreqs in this count. Each of these drains have their location logged, which corroborated with a large dig in the ocean by the same friend mentioned above. You also drained water for a personal build, a glass dome house seen in the corner of the map here. When JohnAdams1735 asked you about the //drains, you first only mention removing lava, and then call the natural ocean "excess water." Later in that conversation, John reminds you that using your mod powers for personal gain is grounds for demodding and banning. 


On Survival, a few hours after your conversation with John, you use information gathered in modmode to give a pvp advantage to a friend. You then rapidly jump in and out of modmode as a method of avoiding injury in pvp, eventually killing your opponent. 


On PvE, you again used your ability to rollback edits and /i (give) yourself materials to move a build. 


In addition to these abuses of power on all three of our servers, you have displayed immaturity in your role as moderator by giving yourself frivolous notes:


Note #30681 for Segadude20000 on c.nerd.nu: this is a Special note. There are many like it but this one is yours. by segadude20000 on 2013-05-02 21:45:18


using /o (a command which highlights your message to the server, similar to Broadcast) for non-moderating reasons:


2013-05-07 19:06:22 | CH: Running original command on player Segadude20000 ----> /o ಠ_ಠ
2013-05-07 19:10:35 | CH: Running original command on player Segadude20000 ----> /o Christmas text.


and for sending rude/immature messages to several of the griefers you encountered:


2013-05-15 22:34:26 | <Segadude20000> [player1] box of shame you go
2013-05-15 22:34:52 | <Segadude20000> any last words? besides Avo and spam?
2013-05-15 23:19:54 | Segadude20000 issued server command: /t [player1] fail trollin/greifing g much.
2013-05-15 15:27:56 | [segadude20000 -> [player2]] rolledback all your edits bitch.
2013-05-10 19:04:40 | [segadude20000 -> [player3]] i hear u liek greifing
2013-05-10 19:05:02 | [segadude20000 -> [player3]] well bai u banned
When acting as moderators, our mods are representatives of our servers, and we do expect a certain level of professionalism. It is made very clear in the introductory interview given to new mods by head admins that outside of mod duties, staff are normal players, and are not to use any of the mod powers for their own (or their friend's) personal gain.
Using /lbrb-r allows you to instantly remove any blocks you no longer want, as opposed to removing them by hand. Using //drain sucks up all the water/lava in an area, without having to manually remove it with gravel or sand. Modmode allows you to tp to any player or location on the map, it keeps you from taking any damage (from pvp or otherwise), and allows you to give yourself any items in any quantities, all things which a normal player does not have the ability to do. 


Here at Nerd, mod powers are not to be privileges or perks, but tools to be used to help the community, and all of your above actions are abuses of both the power and trust we place in every new mod.

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Alrighty, normally I prefer to wait for a response from a banned player before setting a ban length, as I like to be sure that they have the opportunity to tell their side of the story, but the other head admins have asked me to post seeing as you have not yet replied. You are banned for one month from your ban date, May 16th, so please respond back on the 16th of June to be unbanned. :)

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