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Infammo08 [Willravel]


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I'm new to minecraft (I just downloaded it a few hours ago) and joined s.reddit.nu as my first server. I walked around the rules room but fell and couldn't get back up so I missed a few. When I hit the street I walked for a bit and started getting shot at so I jumped in the water and swam down to find a big underwater room. It was full of growing crops and I know you have to eat in this game so I took a bunch of carrots and some wheat. I eventually found my way back to the surface and walked around for a few minutes, collected some wood, and then logged out to change my skin. When I just tried to log back in it said I was banned for griefing. I'm guessing those carrots I picked up were not for public consumption or I wasn't supposed to knock down that tree. I'll try to grow my own stuff now. Can I be let back in?

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Ban information:


Ban for Infammo08 on c.nerd.nu for griefing on S nerd.nu/appeal by Willravel on 2013-08-30 17:14:10 (1 more bans, no notes)


Please be patient and Willravel will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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The problem wasn't that you took the carrots and wheat, the problem was breaking the glass to get in. If you break into someone's place, it's your responsibility to replace what you've broken, otherwise it's griefing. 


I'm unbanning you now, but there will be a note on your account. 

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