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Pieman50 [weizbox]


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Hi, it's been a long time since i've visited this website, and a long time since I've submitted another ban appeal, but I was apparently banned for Homophobia?


Now it's been years since, so there are probably no longer any chat logs to prove my side of the story, but what I did was not homophobic in any way. I am personally a homosexual male who has been banned from the servers because my minecraft skin was very suggestive and "gay" if you will. I assure you this is was not, nor was it ever meant to offend anyone of the homosexual nature. I was simply banned for using a minecraft skin that I thought was silly at the time and expressed myself. This is no longer an issue, however I would like a formal apology from the moderator/admin that banned me due to his disrespectful actions. I was not homophobic, nor am I homophobic to anyone.


Thank you for your time.



Edited by PiemanFiddy
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Hello Pieman50, we do have the logs from when you were banned and we also have your original appeal. You were not banned for your skin, but rather what you said in chat.


If you would like to be truthful we can continue with your appeal.


Original appeal


Ban 1


Ban information:


Ban for Pieman50 on c.nerd.nu for homophobia by weizbox on 2011-09-21 07:39:50 (1 more bans, 1 notes)

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Once again allow me to re-iterate that I am a homosexual. Why does making homosexual jokes automatically make me a straight person making fun of other homosexuals?


I do apologize for my disrespectful behavior in the past, and I hope we can get past this, but what I am saying is truthful. A simple log showing a vulgar joke; which at the time I found funny, can't simply debunk me from being who I really am. If you wish for me to discontinue my behavior I will, but I will not simply be denied of my own sexual preferences.


Thank you.


Edited by PiemanFiddy
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Once again allow me to re-iterate that I am a homosexual. Why does making homosexual jokes automatically make me a straight person making fun of other homosexuals?

Read this.



If you wish for me to discontinue my behavior I will, but I will not simply be denied of my own sexual preferences.

No one is trying to deny you anything. We are only asking you to follow the rules.



Speaking of rules, if you would like to be unbanned read the rules and reply here quoting the rule(s) that you broke. 

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  • "No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech, especially targeted at specific users."
  • "Please respect all players. Harassment of the staff, or any one else, can result in a kick or a ban."
  • "No offensive or inappropriate skins. Failure to change when asked by a mod will result in a ban until it is changed."

I'm very aware of the rules I've broken and would like to attone for my disrespectful behavior.

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