PvE requests

ID Request Time Player Name Request Status Handled By Close Message
2918 Feb09@0950h NastyHabits someone did not replant Closed CARnivore_nds terrible as it is, it is also out of logs
2917 Feb09@0937h NastyHabits intentional hole or not? Closed CARnivore_nds searched 30days back, found no changes. cannot discern if intentional or not
2916 Feb09@0404h JamesMcProgger Hello Mods, I need a few favors, can you please rename my claim at my position to The One Eye Farm, extend it to Y 150 and down to Y12, and also designate this green copper 4x zone at -3356, 17, 1766 as a public shulker zone please, thank you! Closed cujobear done, done, and done!
2915 Feb08@1809h NastyHabits crop grief, also do /trace just to be sure Closed King_of_queso rolled back and player warned
2914 Feb07@2245h Za_Zaa please make both reinforced deepslate spots shulker areas Closed CARnivore_nds shulker areas set
2913 Feb07@0152h Azumarill maybe /place Event right atop this sign? Closed cujobear /place event updated
2912 Feb07@0152h PlNG need this undead dragon killed Closed cujobear dargin ded
2911 Feb06@2355h ZaZaBot I accidentally broke this copper block and i dont see it anywhere- please feex Closed rukEEEa fixd
2910 Feb06@1845h Za_Zaa please create protected area from this warped tower to adjacent one (just this center area) down to y-40 Closed rukEEEa protected!
2909 Feb06@1844h Za_Zaa please create claim in all of ancient city Closed rukEEEa claim-region'd!
2908 Feb06@0252h Za_Zaa can i modify the portal frame corners please- overworld and nether side Closed TemporarilyAlive added to region perms. dont break it!
2907 Feb06@0146h TreeNinjaInATree griefed fence? Closed rukEEEa out of logs :/
2906 Feb06@0040h OleToothless pls to lite portal, call it "Salmon_Run" Closed cujobear portal lit!
2905 Feb05@1833h Mats1300 i set noteblock to public to change wood types but i think a region flag blocking it Closed cujobear set the use-note-block flag to allow in the region
2904 Feb05@1641h Xx_Haizik_xX i want to rename my claim to "Beaver Hill" Closed NastyHabits claim renamed
2903 Feb05@1620h Mats1300 can i have this area mineable from pistons to here and to the top of pistons for others to use this farm Closed NastyHabits build allow another region created! wood is flowing for others
2902 Feb05@1615h Mats1300 can i have from this rooted dirt to the top of the pistons where you can grow and mine trees in this area Closed NastyHabits build allow region added to this woodfarm
2901 Feb05@0739h Enture I had an encounter with a zombie here, and at some point placed down water, which flowed and displaced the armor stands. I'd put them back myself, but they're protected: can you please fix it for me? Thanks! Closed pez252 Fixed!
2900 Feb05@0042h Za_Zaa please light me! Closed cujobear portal lit.
2899 Feb04@1351h Old_Rock_ i am gona conect a road that i build to south road can i just mine the blocks and conect it? Closed TemporarilyAlive as there is no claim region for the south road there is nobody to contact for permission so you may connect to it. Just try to keep any modifications to the existing road to a minimum
2898 Feb04@1308h Old_Rock_ my mailbox is still ipadpromax can someone change it to Old_Rock_? Closed CARnivore_nds name changer-ated
2897 Feb04@1232h Xx_Haizik_xX can i rename my claim to "Beaver Hill" because its called "Haizik" rn and i want to change it Closed CARnivore_nds region renamed
2896 Feb03@2200h Voyager_ Hello, I was wondering if the Badlands Pueblo claim could be extended further East. It currently ends around X 924 and I was hoping to have it cover the rest of the land to X 980 Closed Za_Zaa region expanded!
2895 Feb03@2158h EggyEgg who made this hole Closed Za_Zaa discussed via /m - created by region member
2894 Feb03@2112h Za_Zaa Is it possible to req warden spawning for an event? I accidentally cleared out the shriekers of an ancient city and would like to make an arena w/ them. If not it's fine- just wanted to ask! Closed Za_Zaa found another city! XD
2893 Feb03@0248h Za_Zaa please protect this hallway so the string doesnt get broken Closed cujobear hall protected
2892 Feb03@0241h Tankadanka cujobear We tryna get this portal lit Closed Za_Zaa There is already a modreq in for this request
2891 Feb03@0233h DogDictator portal lighting (this time for realsies)\ Closed cujobear portal lit
2890 Feb03@0155h DogDictator portal lighting Closed cujobear You are missing the padmin head from the payment. See the Nether Portal Section here https://nerd.nu/mc/pve Please re-request when ready
2889 Feb02@2206h Mats1300 protection claim please from y 64 to top of this build and encompassed around my border here call it Nerd_UTF Closed cujobear region created
2888 Feb02@2059h OleToothless water bucket fill area is protected, can't fill buckets (I believe it's clear that was Za's intent, to be able for users to fill buckets) Closed Za_Zaa This issue has finally been resolved! \o/
2887 Feb02@1804h Voyager_ I was hoping to get this portal lit, please! Could it be named "Badlands Pueblo" Closed TemporarilyAlive portal lit!
2886 Feb02@1041h Old_Rock_ dose somebody know were my red shulkerbox is? i had it in my inv and then it was gone the next day and i checked all chests Closed Old_Rock_
2885 Feb02@1025h Xx_Haizik_xX i want to light up this portal and call it "Beaver Hill" Closed TemporarilyAlive portal lit!
2884 Feb01@1133h Enture Please make this 1x5x2 area a build-allow area, so that I can replenish the anvils which used to be there (the owner hasn't been around in 5 months). Thanks! Closed TemporarilyAlive public region created
2883 Feb01@0911h Rakson_77 can i expend my claim up and down? Closed TemporarilyAlive claim region expanded up and down slightly. protection region enlarged to cover underground build
2882 Feb01@0901h Mats1300 can we see who spam flipped these trapdoors and get that flag here in this region as well please Closed TemporarilyAlive Was done by a new player with minimal other edits. they have been warned and other minor griefs rolled back
2881 Feb01@0620h Mats1300 can you turn on east-road-claim No Flipping trapdoors flag please Closed TemporarilyAlive trapdoor use now denied
2880 Feb01@0310h rukEEEa shulker spot on sculk pl0x Closed NastyHabits shulker spot region has been planted
2879 Feb01@0249h rukEEEa protecc island, marked with sculk corners Closed NastyHabits island protected
2878 Jan31@2208h LTP1828 I want to expand the western edge of Cotton Candy Cottage claim to -468. I'm in the process of marking corners now. Closed NastyHabits claim region expanded
2877 Jan31@1941h Emizzon Grief or natural death for villager here? Closed TemporarilyAlive All villagers killed by pillagers
2876 Jan31@1937h Emizzon grief or natural death of the villagers here? Closed TemporarilyAlive All villagers killed by pillagers
2875 Jan31@1738h Old_Rock_ the dragon fight is broken i beat all the waves pls fix it also do i get my prize? lol Closed TemporarilyAlive dragonfight overriden. should be working again
2874 Jan31@1058h Enture Please make this 1x5x3 area a build-allow area, so that we can replace the anvils as they are consumed. Ther's a similar spot behind me, at the other end of the hall. Owner hasn't been online in 5 months. Closed Spook6 anvil spot created 2 blocks high so as to not interfere with the trap doors above
2873 Jan31@1057h Enture The owners of these boxes and chest haven't been online in 6 weeks to 5 months: could they be removed? Closed TemporarilyAlive shulkers & chest removed
2872 Jan31@0330h TreeNinjaInATree protect the build pls Closed King_of_queso protected!
2871 Jan31@0319h TreeNinjaInATree Someone griefed my gold? I think Closed King_of_queso grief rolled back!
2870 Jan30@1928h vextasy Hello! New claim request -- I would like to use the netherrack as the bounding box for my claim, mercurium, from y=70 up to y=130. thank you! Closed TemporarilyAlive claim created!
2869 Jan30@0259h Za_Zaa please creat elytra course claim- there is anther pur pur marker diagonal from here Closed cujobear claim area created
2868 Jan30@0257h Za_Zaa please make a shulker spot on the gilded blackstone Closed cujobear shulker spots created
2867 Jan30@0257h Za_Zaa please protext this geode and room Closed cujobear geode and portal room protected
2866 Jan30@0216h Za_Zaa please make Elytra Course a /place :) Closed cujobear looks like a restart was needed for the /place to show
2865 Jan30@0118h Za_Zaa is someone actively tending this geode/ is there a claim nearby? Closed cujobear discussed via /m
2864 Jan30@0058h Za_Zaa please do a light Closed cujobear portal lit
2863 Jan30@0025h Herobong this is a test Closed Herobong
2862 Jan29@1517h Old_Rock_ i want my regions to be all in one please not there being diffrent regions or else it will be hard to add peaple :) Closed TemporarilyAlive "Copper-Town" region now parent of all sub-regions & claims. Adding anybody to that region will add them to all now
2861 Jan29@1215h kayla_owo Hello, I have marked with cobblestone the are I would like protected, thanks! Closed TemporarilyAlive Claim region created. Area needs to be a little more developed to be upgraded to a protection
2860 Jan29@1203h PlNG remove this shulker please Closed TemporarilyAlive shulker removed
2859 Jan28@2341h rukEEEa portal with name "Destert_Oasis" pls Closed cujobear portal opened
2858 Jan28@1817h Old_Rock_ if i add someone to my claim he cant build like rakson i addet him and now he cant build Closed TemporarilyAlive It looks like you own multiple regions, have you made sure they are added to the correct ones?
2857 Jan28@0152h Za_Zaa please do make a shulker Closed cujobear shulker area created
2856 Jan28@0105h Za_Zaa please make the inside of the run green bottom to glass ceiling build allow Closed cujobear build allow area created inside run
2855 Jan28@0104h Za_Zaa please protect this game build Closed cujobear game build protected
2854 Jan27@2216h PlNG please expand sol-farms to y255 Closed Za_Zaa expanded up past y255!
2853 Jan27@1234h YoruJp hey could it be possible to add the 4Jlegacy.jar to the server so we could use like console crafting and old stuff please just a sugg Closed TemporarilyAlive Unfortunately this is a client mod not a server plugin. Its use on servers will trigger our anticheat so i would advise not using it here
2852 Jan27@0232h Za_Zaa Im wondering if we can remove HQ protection and make the whole claim protected? Would this be considered built up enough? wondering if one full protection covering everything would help w/ redstone issues. Closed King_of_queso updated moonbase_hq to protect all builds within the claim!
2851 Jan27@0128h rukEEEa grif? Closed Za_Zaa out of logs- i guess replace the block? sorry!
2850 Jan27@0103h Za_Zaa I cant figure out why the hopper minecart continues to stop moving when the powered rail kicks on. Closed Za_Zaa Looks like Mats has fixed the issue for now. Will reach out if needed again later.
2849 Jan26@1848h Rakson_77 pls to protection my whole claim. Closed rukEEEa protected!
2848 Jan26@1651h KiritoTheBlade KiritoTheBlade Closed NastyHabits hello, what's your request exactly? type /modreq "your request" in chat
2847 Jan26@1436h Old_Rock_ hi i have a highway going from copper town to my second town snow copper town id like to expand my claim on the highway and in the new town and my buildprotection :) Closed cujobear highway protected. Make sure to add others to region as members
2846 Jan26@0718h LTP1828 I want to expand the north edge of Cotton Candy Cottage to 635. I'm moving posts now. Thanks. Closed NastyHabits region resized!
2845 Jan26@0520h Treppich It appears an enderman has moved a grass block here? Closed defiex Enderman trash has been removed!
2844 Jan26@0452h Treppich Hiya I think that is a flow block update error? Closed defiex Splish splash water fixed!
2843 Jan26@0232h vextasy it seems someone killed the two cows i had in my base Closed defiex Poof! Moocows have regenderated and those responsible warned.
2842 Jan26@0118h rukEEEa any way to tell whos working on this end portle Closed Za_Zaa No activity for 90 days- this was originally found by Solace members.
2841 Jan26@0021h OleToothless the water in the water bucket filling station is locked Closed cujobear adjusted region priority to fix issue
2840 Jan26@0004h ZaZaBot what happened to my chickens!~ Closed ZaZaBot nm, it doesnt matter ill just spawn more
2839 Jan25@2320h Muskogee_Red tunnel grief Closed TemporarilyAlive Player warned & rolled back
2838 Jan25@2028h Rakson_77 i heve a 9 shards and PAdmin's head and i want to light up the portal Closed TemporarilyAlive portal lit!
2837 Jan25@1734h Rakson_77 How can i get PAdmin's head?? Closed defiex Please check out https://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/PvE_Information_Guide#Player_Heads and https://wiki.nerd.nu/wiki/PvE_Information_Guide#Nether on how to make a Padmin Doppel!
2836 Jan25@1241h ItsMissingNo i accidentally killed this baby slime Closed TemporarilyAlive boat respawned & slime resurrected!
2835 Jan25@0653h EggyEgg greif scaffolding :( Closed PPGOME Def grief. Def ban'd. Mhm
2834 Jan25@0304h Za_Zaa Did someone kill or let our pandas out? Closed cujobear I can find no evidence to death or theft in logs
2833 Jan25@0130h J4bble i lost 8 of my pork tokens to a cactus, can i get those signs reset? Closed cujobear worked out. Hope you enjoyed the event
2832 Jan25@0025h OleToothless pls to make stable area build allow Closed cujobear region set
2831 Jan24@2153h Voyager_ hello. may I please get a protection for my build between the iron blocks at 60 86 -4600 and 20 60 -4560? Closed NastyHabits protected region added (up to the sky limit)
2830 Jan24@2112h Xx_Haizik_xX i want to claim this area Closed NastyHabits your claim region has been created
2829 Jan24@1532h Rakson_77 i heve a 9 shards and i want to light up the portal Closed TemporarilyAlive Padmin doppel head not provided
2828 Jan24@0249h OleToothless pls make the 5 lone fence posts here in the corral "build-allow" so that horses/pigs can be tethered. Closed defiex Tada. I had so much fun making them allowable that you have six!
2827 Jan24@0147h JamesMcProgger Hello Mods, I located 4 guardian monuments and all 4 have only 1 platform with a bed on it, have been like that for some time, I want to know if I can claim at least one. Im interested on the one i am at -2287, 63, 1767, thank you Closed cujobear claim created
2826 Jan24@0053h TreeNinjaInATree Unlock chest that was meant for me but locked please Closed cujobear player was last on only 4 days ago. While they may have meant to add you to chest access. we will need to wait to see if the player returns.
2825 Jan24@0044h AinivAlcyone Hey! I've claimed depot box #73 near the Spawn center. Never used them before so first time for everything :D Closed Za_Zaa mailbox granted :)
2824 Jan23@2353h Za_Zaa please make purpur shulker spot (part 2) Closed rukEEEa shulkered
2823 Jan23@2347h Za_Zaa please make purpur shulker spot (part 1) Closed rukEEEa shulkered
2822 Jan23@2146h LTP1828 Please light portal at -405, 672. I have a head this time, Temp. Your head! Bwahahaha! Closed TemporarilyAlive portal lit!
2821 Jan23@2022h LTP1828 Temp responded about a missing head re my portal not getting lit, and I don't understand the message. Closed Za_Zaa Discussed w/ player via /m how to make a dopple for padmin head.
2820 Jan23@1044h LTP1828 Please protect Cotton-Candy-Cotton claim. Thanks! Closed Spook6 protected!
2819 Jan23@1044h LTP1828 please light portal at -404, 672. Thanks! Closed TemporarilyAlive Padmin head not provided :P
2818 Jan23@0810h Enture There used to be a pyre/Argoth memorial here, but it's been stripped bare. Grief? (Might be out of logs, it's been a while) Closed Spook6 sorry its out of logs :( you could always rebuild it and get it protected!
2817 Jan23@0056h LTP1828 LTP1828 setting up a claim "Cotton Candy Cottage" W -468, S 705, N 651, E -399. I will be setting up a portal. Thanks! Closed cujobear claim set!
2816 Jan22@0257h Mats1300 I request by the power of Sacarfice a Snow Perfect Farmer be placed at -3113, 89, -4708 Thanks! :D Closed TemporarilyAlive Sacrifice accepted. snowy perfect farmer summoned
2815 Jan22@0135h Aethelstan2 Hmm I used silk touch to move this respawn anchor so that it was not sitting on the craft table. But I think I broke it? Closed rukEEEa use 4 glowstone (right click on it) to charge respawn anchor
2814 Jan22@0057h TreeNinjaInATree griefed floor Closed rukEEEa ungriefed
2813 Jan22@0039h FiddlersViridian There seem to be some missing villagers that were here yesterday. There was a good (master?) Farmer here and the open spot across the hall. There was also some villager (maybe farmer?) in the 'tent' outside, who isn't there. Not my claim, was helpn Closed rukEEEa villager was moved by mats!
2812 Jan21@2133h Enture Could the top row of 4 blocks atop the double chests be made into a shulker spot (or another spot, if more convenient)? The owner hasn't been /seen in 5 months, hence why I modreq it. Closed TemporarilyAlive shulker spot added
2811 Jan21@1747h Old_Rock_ i am sorry for griefing a tiny bit in Rakson_77's claim please dont ban me please ;( i will repair it Closed Old_Rock_
2810 Jan21@1726h Old_Rock_ i am so sorry i was mean to Rakson_77 today, and he modreq me Closed Old_Rock_
2809 Jan21@1714h Rakson_77 Old_Rock_ is break my claim Closed Rakson_77
2808 Jan21@0144h OleToothless Hawg Hollow event sign locations in book in chest. Pls Cujo to make signs fancy. Also pls make protecc around general store, you will know what I'm talking about when you see it. Closed cujobear signs are ready and prize is in place.
2807 Jan21@0138h Za_Zaa how did i die in my house? Closed TemporarilyAlive you were killed by a vex
2806 Jan20@2313h ZaZaBot where did my green froggies go? Closed TemporarilyAlive nothing in logs sorry :( did they escape?
2805 Jan20@2107h Enture Would it be possible to /bpublic this recycler/smelter's chests? BloomingLily was last seen online 5 months ago, and this would make the grinder more usable. Closed TemporarilyAlive recycler chests made public
2804 Jan20@1843h Old_Rock_ hi i want to expand my claim and build protect to the new location please! its marked with orange copper towers! Closed TemporarilyAlive claim embiggened
2803 Jan20@1826h Za_Zaa please can i claim this ancient city for a future pvp/ctf arena this corner to the n/e (its not a perfect square but encompassing the entire city Closed cujobear claim region created.
2802 Jan20@1556h Old_Rock_ i think somebody killed food sniff its my sniffer pet in a glass cage is he dead and if yes who or how did he die? Closed Spook6 discussed via /msg. lightning was the cause!
2801 Jan20@1417h Enture check Closed Enture Sorry, I mistyped that ^^
2800 Jan20@1414h Enture Is it possible to know who designed+built this Lost Pavillion? I love it, and want to let them know :) (Come to think of it, I'll /suggestion-box that build authors be more clearly credited) Closed Enture nevermind, I found a hidden sign telling me that the author was Za!
2799 Jan20@0838h shmoogin request i had to kill some named slimes to get my stuff back Closed Spook6 named slimes have reappeared
2798 Jan20@0628h EggyEgg who put the sandstone stairs here :( Closed Spook6 out of logs
2797 Jan20@0237h OleToothless pls to lite this portal. Don't worry about the big pipe. Closed TemporarilyAlive Portal created! I wasnt worried about the pipe before... but now i think i should be.
2796 Jan19@2157h PlNG broken blue ice here Closed The_Creature__ fix'd
2795 Jan19@2053h Za_Zaa please protect museum Closed pez252 Looks like it is already protected as ammybuild11!
2794 Jan19@2053h Za_Zaa please protect bakery Closed pez252 Looks like it is already protected as ammybuild12!
2793 Jan19@1851h Rakson_77 Can I change my region settongs? So that all terroin destruction settings are set so that blocks cannot be destroyed or placed. Closed Za_Zaa ponland region created to protect 3 buildings
2792 Jan19@1836h Rakson_77 How to use comend /rg flag Closed Za_Zaa Please modreq what changes/ flags you would like in region. Thanks!
2791 Jan19@1641h PlNG_A_LONG a bee nest was removed here Closed NastyHabits rollbacked, player already banned
2790 Jan18@2312h OleToothless pls to make crying obsidian a shulker zone Closed Spook6 shulker spot made :)
2789 Jan18@2259h XeTrain I closed this door using the lever on the other side whilst on... the wrong side and now its closed and I cannot get through lol Closed XeTrain nevermind
2788 Jan18@2231h Enture Is... is this guy (sniffer) supposed to be in this Spawn Secret? Closed TemporarilyAlive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its named, so probably?
2787 Jan18@2126h The_Creature__ i did a grif trying to fix this pls halp Closed TemporarilyAlive fixed!
2786 Jan18@1952h Old_Rock_ hey can somebody pls expand my build protect and my claim to the orange cut copper tower please?? <3 Closed buzzie71 claim expanded! protection expansion can be requested once you have built out the new area
2785 Jan18@1526h Xx_Haizik_xX i want to appel a ban, a guy named janDzban123 is spamming a lot Closed fazaden user warned, thanks for the report
2784 Jan18@0426h Mats1300 can i get a timestamp on this please Closed TemporarilyAlive 22nd December 2024 at 2:53UTC
2783 Jan18@0337h nels_nelson oops I trapped myself in spawn like a goober Closed pez252 You saved yourself!
2782 Jan18@0330h ZaZaBot what happened to second green frog? Closed ZaZaBot froggie found
2781 Jan18@0233h The_Creature__ did someone bust glass here Closed pez252 no
2780 Jan18@0218h Mats1300 what happened to other horse here? Closed pez252 Horse is back! (player banned)
2779 Jan18@0142h Mats1300 TechReq Please try to make BanManager Public Closed pez252 Added to tech project management task list.
2778 Jan18@0100h Mats1300 make note if Nicoll_Diez did this then we had a recent problem on cherry preserve claim with same person Closed pez252 Noted. (they did not)
2777 Jan18@0058h Za_Zaa please roll back damage here Closed CARnivore_nds rolled, player banned
2776 Jan18@0058h Za_Zaa please roll back damage here Closed CARnivore_nds rolled, player banned
2775 Jan18@0058h Za_Zaa please roll back damage here Closed CARnivore_nds rolled, player banned
2774 Jan18@0057h Mats1300 i see this player has moved on thanks, but what about the building that left? Rollback maybe? Closed TemporarilyAlive Player has not been online since last reported in modreq #2736 which is still open. Build will be moved to admin storage
2773 Jan18@0050h Za_Zaa can you make the splat-signs region override the splat region Closed Za_Zaa - pez fixed
2772 Jan17@1533h Enture I *might* have gotten myself stuck here by flying in, and not having enough headspace to get into flying mode again and take off ^^' Closed Andromeda4210 saved!
2771 Jan17@0937h PlNG for ppgome: I sent the dragon into end gateway #4 Closed PPGOME Thanks for reporting, though I believe this is a vanilla bug. Will try to fix when I get the chance nonetheless :)
2770 Jan16@2249h The_Creature__ an undead(unkillable) dargin Closed TemporarilyAlive seems to be fixed now. ping an admin in discord if it happens again and we can reset it
2769 Jan15@1836h Ruch79 #79 Closed TemporarilyAlive Mailbox #79 is now yours!
2768 Jan15@1829h Booyahhayoob Claiming mailbox 115 ^_^ Closed TemporarilyAlive mailbox is now yours!
2767 Jan15@1659h ipadpromax i place my snow and then it became locked please fix it somehow lol Closed TemporarilyAlive snow unlocked!
2766 Jan15@1640h Voyager_ Hello, may I please get a protection for my trophy room pls, between the two redstone blocks 897 103 -4558 and 887 93 -4593? Thank you! Closed Spook6 your protection has been expanded and now covers the same area as the claim region!
2765 Jan15@1325h ipadpromax hi id like to expand my claim and my build protection the corners are marked with cut copper blocks have a good day! <3 Closed Spook6 claim is extended to corner, protection now covers all builds (emerald bridge) :)
2764 Jan15@0447h JamesMcProgger Most noble Admins, With great joy do I convey that I have gathered sufficient crystals to craft mine portal. The crystals, mutton, and bamboo for Cujo rest at the marked place. I humbly beseech thy attention when convenient. Yours truly James McP Closed TemporarilyAlive Portal lit! Couldnt see any other regions or clues as to names so its called "JamesMcPortal" for now. modreq again if you want it changing :)
2763 Jan15@0307h tadrogers i punched mailbox #60, can I has #60? Thank you Closed Spook6 mailbox 60 is yours :)
2762 Jan14@2327h Tankadanka how did the zombie in the zombie spawner die/despawn Closed Za_Zaa there are no zombie spawners in the area where you made the modreq that I can see. There are no deaths within the fenced in lightening areas that I can see. Please resubmit modreq near spawner or clarify your question. Thanks!
2761 Jan14@2308h Mats1300 Also check FSA99 on Griefing as well Closed PPGOME Dealt with. Thanks for reporting in discord!
2760 Jan14@2304h Aniomis FSA99 dropping the n-word in general chat Closed PPGOME Dealt with. Thanks for reporting in discord!
2759 Jan14@1245h CARnivore_nds Attempted to converse with player asa they altered this. they appear polish how ever ignore my attempts to get them to understand Closed TemporarilyAlive Area rolled back & protected. not the first time someone has "fixed" this with good intention!
2758 Jan14@0213h OleToothless complete 2756 Closed TemporarilyAlive duplicate modreq
2757 Jan14@0213h OleToothless complete 2755 Closed defiex Duplicate
2756 Jan14@0213h OleToothless complete Closed defiex Completed.
2755 Jan14@0213h OleToothless stuck Closed defiex Goo gone has been applied.
2754 Jan13@2108h Voyager_ May I please get a protection for a small build between the two redstone blocks @ 970 59 -4584 & 949 68 -4559? Closed CARnivore_nds "the Little Build" created
2753 Jan13@2048h Enture A couple trapdoors are stuck in the wrong position here. Let me know if modreq'ing such details is too much bother for the staff! Closed TemporarilyAlive fixed! thanks for reporting
2752 Jan13@0352h Optimal_Prime Griefing: Someone broke the carpets over my fires. Closed PPGOME Out of logs :(
2751 Jan12@2317h OleToothless somebody just took lava from right in front of my stable... Closed PPGOME Out of logs - replaced lava anyways.
2750 Jan12@2257h OleToothless pls to protecc lil smelting thing here and make crying obby a shulker spoooot Closed TemporarilyAlive protecc and shulker spot'd
2749 Jan12@2252h LemonPepperedCkn make forgepoint a /place please!! Closed TemporarilyAlive Duplicate of modreq #2744
2748 Jan12@2153h Aethelstan2 Somebody took the nether spawn circle beacon? Closed TemporarilyAlive player banned & rolled back
2747 Jan12@2150h Aethelstan2 Somebody removed the supply shulkers in the dragon pit? Closed TemporarilyAlive player already banned. edits in the end rolled back
2746 Jan12@1956h Aniomis I would like to take the 6 o'clock position on the railway station dial, with the name "CARBON lite Central Station". Railway is connected and working Closed TemporarilyAlive Dialler updated
2745 Jan12@1940h NastyHabits unwanted modifications in ambrosia Closed TemporarilyAlive rolled back
2744 Jan12@1937h LemonPepperedCkn make forgepoint a /place? Closed cujobear /place Forgepoint added
2743 Jan12@1934h Aethelstan2 Claim please. From X2390 Z-1875 to X2490 Z-1975. Corners marked with flaming netherack. Call it "Dante View" Thanks Closed NastyHabits region added
2742 Jan12@0451h nels_nelson Seeking purchase of perfect butcher. Closed TemporarilyAlive Perfect butcher spawned
2741 Jan12@0332h tadrogers can i request this single chunk protected? up and down? Closed cujobear single chunk claimed. built tower protected
2740 Jan12@0130h Azumarill I'm a little confused, I thought I just got an event token from this older sign and then the new one nearby didn't give me one? is that what happened? Closed cujobear looking at logs you clicked both signs and both are set up properly. I believe you did get a sign form the new one and not the old one
2739 Jan11@2350h SquaresThere ok, for real now... fuck these kids. ban them Closed Za_Zaa See 2738.
2738 Jan11@2348h SquaresThere ok... uh.... so, there's this new wash of kids who are playing on the server. i forsee a second "Dark Oak" episode, if things continue at this rate. some of these kids are shitheads, it seems. please be aware. i'm watching gross chat in main Closed TemporarilyAlive Thanks for reporting, we will keep an eye on it
2737 Jan11@2322h OleToothless can I get a no trapdoor use flag on this protection, except for members? Closed OleToothless
2736 Jan11@2118h Mats1300 I have asked Nicoll_Diez to stop building on our cherry preserve claim with no response. Do you mind trying? worse case it gets rolled back may be a young player Closed TemporarilyAlive Build moved to admin storage
2735 Jan11@0909h StepsonofEvil I think one of my foxes went missing? Closed Spook6 there are no fox deaths in the area the fox may have accidentally been let out.
2734 Jan11@0907h StepsonofEvil hey! been awhile since i've been on but my dogs were teleported to me again so someone harmed em! Closed TemporarilyAlive Harming animals isnt logged unfortunately so we wont know who did it unless it is killed :(
2733 Jan11@0322h The_Creature__ blockspam, check user (prior modreq) Closed Spook6 blockspam fixed
2732 Jan10@2208h The_Creature__ blockspam here Closed TemporarilyAlive rolled back
2731 Jan10@1952h lyan01 I had 4 day 8 compasses, so clicking the day 8 sign reduced compass count by 1 and I got nothing. req: reset sign usage Closed TemporarilyAlive Sign usage reset
2730 Jan10@1907h ipadpromax somebody build a copper path way at my portal Closed TemporarilyAlive discussed in /msg
2729 Jan10@1616h Aethelstan2 Light up this portal please. Payment in the barrell. Call it Danteville Closed TemporarilyAlive Portal created!
2728 Jan10@1037h ipadpromax my chest that i unlocked is now somehow locked by somebody but i placeed it and unlokced it so players can tace and put items inside and now its somehow locked and i cant open it can you please fix it? Closed TemporarilyAlive player already unlocked chest
2727 Jan09@2207h Voyager_ Hello, may I please get a protect for the build between the two gold blocks at 242 72 -4547 and 202 56 -4510? thank you! Closed Spook6 house protected
2726 Jan09@0106h FiddlersViridian And protect my claim, please. Never needed it past revs, but this is the second or maybe third time this rev. Should have build further in the wilderness. Closed cujobear region protected
2725 Jan09@0105h FiddlersViridian NastyHabits let me know things were griefed, looks like most was reverted and I can clean up the rest (bed missing, a few torches, some weird stone in the sky cube) But, I had a Strider here from the event, could it be restored, please? Closed cujobear Legs McGee has been returned!
2724 Jan08@1638h K4PI_PL K4PI_PL Closed TemporarilyAlive Please insert your request after "/modreq"
2723 Jan08@0110h Azumarill (PPGOME) yeah it persists in vanilla 1.21.4 https://discord.com/channels/206022440269250560/218393823326240768/1325940306717442199 Closed PPGOME Working on a fix. Thank you for reporting!
2722 Jan07@1722h Aniomis Please make the region ambrosia_station_redstone a child region of Ambrosia Closed TemporarilyAlive set "ambrosia" as parent of "ambrosia_station_redstone"
2721 Jan07@0249h The_Creature__ is this attempted grif Closed cujobear no is it not. discussed via /m
2720 Jan06@2306h Azumarill hey PPGOME can we get (another) viaversion update to see if "Improved 1.21 client enchantment handling on legacy servers" fixes the issue I'm seeing with instant mining https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/viaversion.19254/update?update=571686 Closed Console The server is already running this update. Are you using any mods? If so, please try vanilla. If the error persists, I'll take a deeper dive when I get the chance.
2719 Jan06@2302h Pie_V referencing modreq 2672, respawned Mule doesn't have correct stats (~7 speed instead of ~14.5, ~1.5 jump instead of ~4.5, and 1 heart instead of 14) same thing happened when Cujo tried respawning it too Closed pez252 Restored.... for now. Modreq again if it poofs.