PvE requests

ID Request Time Player Name Request Status Handled By Close Message
3187 Mar26@0114h OleToothless Ran across this tunnel system when I was digging out my build... this looks how I imagine xray mining looks. Just a thought. Closed Za_Zaa Out of logs unfortunately!
3186 Mar25@2047h CARnivore_nds i kow, i know, but shulker spots on Trivia train are borked Closed Spook6 shulker spots now seem to exist! :P
3185 Mar25@1833h XeTrain Pleasse make the valleytown greeting "Welcome to Valleytown!" In green () Closed TemporarilyAlive greeting changed
3184 Mar25@1728h XeTrain Please create claim "Valleytown" (corners are marked) Closed TemporarilyAlive Claim created
3183 Mar25@1258h CARnivore_nds is this plot claimed? if not I would like it for Cliffs_Del_CARnivore Closed Spook6 yes it is, in future /rg i will tell you :)
3182 Mar25@1056h MackSaffron One perfect cleric, please. Jungle biome. Across the room under the sign that says Perfect Cleric. Thanks! <3 Closed Spook6 perfect cleric has arrived!
3181 Mar25@0937h CardSharC CardSharC Increase claim height to world limit Closed CARnivore_nds claim region expanded
3180 Mar25@0210h DingleTart Portal plzzzz Closed Spook6 To get a portal you need the correct amount of portal shards (1 for every block in the middle) in your case youd need 49, please modreq again with the correct amount
3179 Mar25@0123h Nose_64 Nose_64 Closed cujobear you will need to be more specific
3178 Mar24@1721h MackSaffron One nether portal please! <3 Closed Spook6 portal lit! <3
3177 Mar24@0611h CardSharC CardSharC Land Claim Closed CARnivore_nds build claim region created.
3176 Mar24@0119h Aethelstan2 Is the end of this path where it interfaces with nether spawn circle going to change? Closed cujobear discussed via /m
3175 Mar24@0043h Pie_V remove roadblock so we can continue ne road Closed cujobear reached out to owner. roadway is cleared
3174 Mar23@1741h 2ba I know I've been off for a while, but all the villys in my house are gone. Is it possible to tell if that was griefing? Closed TemporarilyAlive Player banned, block edits & mob kills rolled back
3173 Mar23@1632h eXPerience2001 is it possible to block access to eg a dispenser for specific players? Closed TemporarilyAlive It isnt possible to limit who can press the button that activates the dispenser. (nor is it possible to make a container public, except for certain players)
3172 Mar23@0111h Za_Zaa these 3 machines were emptied- can the person be reminded to refill Closed TemporarilyAlive Seems to have been a random player who switched it on and left. Perhaps you could make it pressure-plate operated so it only runs while somebody is there
3171 Mar23@0053h Za_Zaa can you remind whoever chopped these trees to chop fully and replant Closed cujobear /mail sent to player
3170 Mar23@0051h Za_Zaa can you let who kept this running know to turn machines off when theyre done (hopefully it wasnt me :)) Closed cujobear sent /mail to player
3169 Mar22@2313h OleToothless pls to replace endstone in this section with barrier blocks... it's for the experience. Closed cujobear At this time we will not be updating the policy on barrier blocks. We will continure to only allow use to keep players out of an arena. Black concrete in the end might give a cool effect.
3168 Mar22@1958h tict0c I need protections for the trivia train from this light pillar to the one at the end of the train call it TriviaTrain and put me and i_c_e_ as owners :) Thank you! Closed NastyHabits train protected from any unplanned children
3167 Mar22@1908h Ulyn_ can the itemframes be public in this room? Closed TemporarilyAlive item frames should now be public
3166 Mar22@1651h JamesMcProgger Hello Mods, can I please have the player PurpleGandalf (its my other account) added to the perms of my claim called The One Eye farm? Thank you Closed Za_Zaa discussed via /m that James can add members to their own claim :)
3165 Mar22@1631h XeTrain Please protect this build as "XePartments" (As a child region of Rose) and set trapdoor to deny, thanks! :D Closed TemporarilyAlive Xepartments region created & set as child of Rose
3164 Mar22@1515h Ulyn_ can this be a shulker spot? Closed Spook6 it is now a shulker spot!
3163 Mar21@1922h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this map be added to the mapworld spawn area? (last ones \o/) Closed defiex Done!
3162 Mar21@0339h amtrakDrunk Can you make these black blocks public for shulker box use? Closed buzzie71 area set!
3161 Mar20@1314h NastyHabits grief? Closed Spook6 hole has been fixed player warned
3160 Mar20@1312h NastyHabits crop grief? Closed Spook6 mostly out of logs a small amount has been rolled back and that player has been warned thanks for reporting
3159 Mar20@1246h NastyHabits sneaky griefings on top of those 2 glowstones Closed CARnivore_nds sneaky indeed, also potentially unintended. replaced.
3158 Mar19@2052h Ulyn_ can this claim be protected? Closed Spook6 your build has been protected
3157 Mar19@1858h Ulyn_ can both spots be shulker spots? Closed Spook6 spots are now shulker spots
3156 Mar19@0219h Aethelstan2 Can this claim plz be renamed to "Nether Public Stables" Closed NastyHabits renamed!
3155 Mar18@1826h nels_nelson Did someone push me into lava? Closed nels_nelson Oh, I see. I was killed by Seamus O'Malley while I was otherwise safely afk, I guess.
3154 Mar18@1821h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this map be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed defiex Map placed!
3153 Mar18@0238h i_c_e_ check Closed cujobear check check
3152 Mar18@0237h Azumarill [admin] come stand here and wait for me to kill these doppels, I have the rest of the portal mats and want it right here Closed cujobear portal lit
3151 Mar17@2355h Za_Zaa can this dispenser be unlocked so i can move it- Chef gave me permission in P discord to modify this entrance area. Closed Spook6 protection removed
3150 Mar17@2329h Optimal_Prime Griefing, someone broke the glass around this room. Closed cujobear rolled back, player was already dealt win
3149 Mar17@1830h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this map be copied to the plot under the gold chest plot (3 plots down and 2 plots left from this plot0 Closed cujobear map copied
3148 Mar17@1819h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added
3147 Mar17@1553h XeTrain player trap? Closed Spook6 player trap is no longer a trap!
3146 Mar17@1458h NastyHabits protecto thiso thingo (and make childo of ambrosia) Closed Spook6 i have expanded your existing region to cover the builds to avoid over complicating the area.
3145 Mar17@1319h XeTrain Please protect this iron farm as a child of the thornton_abbey region (Call it ThornIronFarm) CHEERS! Closed NastyHabits protected!
3144 Mar17@1112h XeTrain Somehow the villager I've now trapped under this stone has escaped from our iron farm (the waterwheel building nearby) but I cant find any indication of grief? Closed NastyHabits building was griefed before and then restored, player banned, villager probably got out during the grief
3143 Mar17@1103h Herobong this is a test of the emergency broadcast system Closed Herobong I closed this myself
3142 Mar17@0554h Andromeda4210 light portal pls Closed Spook6 Portal has been lit!
3141 Mar17@0126h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added
3140 Mar16@2347h wyguy2014 grief? Closed TemporarilyAlive Probably enderman? Mailed player further details
3139 Mar16@1743h i_c_e_ shullker spots here please the cyan terra cotta Closed TemporarilyAlive Shulker spot created!
3138 Mar16@1441h XeTrain Bottom chest has 12 stacked shulker boxes? how? Closed Za_Zaa Discussed via /m
3137 Mar16@1439h XeTrain Seems this shulker has been abandoned, player was last seen 2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day ago Closed Spook6 shulker has been moved to admin storage!
3136 Mar16@1246h YungBrotknust I accidentally broke some of the vines that lead to the nether roof at solace, pls reroll Closed TemporarilyAlive vines appear to have grown back / been replaced
3135 Mar16@0535h _vektor_ Oops, please disregard my previous modreq - I closed the trapdoor above me which pushed me into the ground more so I could walk to an exit. Thanks! Closed TemporarilyAlive Disregarded, thanks!
3134 Mar16@0531h _vektor_ Walked into a hole, can't get out because of protections. Can I be placed a few blocks up and over please? Thanks! Closed TemporarilyAlive Player freed themselves
3133 Mar16@0152h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps placed
3132 Mar16@0150h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps in place
3131 Mar16@0131h Mats1300 Grief rollback please and maybe protection on building Closed cujobear griff rolledback, build protected, player already dealt with
3130 Mar16@0025h Aethelstan2 Please leave Aethelstan2 as the only owner of the nether spawn circle protected area thanks Closed cujobear #blametemp. Admin error corrected
3129 Mar15@2103h Aethelstan2 Protect nether spawn circle please from se corner 12,25 to nw cor -31,-25...Corners marked with mud n torches...Add Za_Zaa as member Closed TemporarilyAlive nether spawn protected
3128 Mar15@2020h Za_Zaa any logs as toi who put this acacia stuff w/ glow lichen here? Closed Spook6 discussed via /msg
3127 Mar15@1831h Za_Zaa were the bottom 2 logs chopped or did i do a dumb and just forget them? Closed TemporarilyAlive no edits on these logs
3126 Mar15@1824h Za_Zaa I accidentally placed podzol and lost the lore- please do a fix! Closed Spook6 item replaced in inventory!
3125 Mar15@1722h ZaZaBot I asked Xe in discord if I could be added to XFGG claim even temporarily to do the ceiling and flooring in spawn- no answer yet but wanted to put this modreq in. Closed TemporarilyAlive Xetrain has logged in and sorted everything out
3124 Mar15@1256h LTP1828 Please ask ZombekGG and Kubuleszeki123 to speak English Closed TemporarilyAlive Will keep an eye on it thanks. It looks like in the last week it was only a handful not in english. Not enough to warrant a warning yet
3123 Mar15@1154h LTP1828 I am expanding my north border of Quartz Cove to -512. I will bridge over the rail line that someone laid so as to not interfere. Closed cujobear region expanded.
3122 Mar15@0038h defiex A naughty nancy has griefed my most beautific of roads (and builds along the way not protected). Pls to review & fix? Closed TemporarilyAlive WestRoad & WestRoad2 regions created (split into 2 regions for the squiggly bit near spawn!)
3121 Mar14@1827h NJY200 fell into end, idk how to return home Closed NastyHabits problem solved
3120 Mar14@1753h JanekDiamond reqest Closed CARnivore_nds trapped player saved
3119 Mar14@1746h XeTrain Has someone been hurting this fella? (apart from me accidentally punching him once) Closed NastyHabits probably, i've healed him, thanks for report
3118 Mar14@1501h Aethelstan2 Is it acceptable to use the client side JEI mod when accessing nerd? Closed NastyHabits yes you are allowed to use just enough items mod
3117 Mar14@0207h Emizzon Did my Squid Game 2 allay die, or was someone able to abscond with it? Closed cujobear Cannot find a death logged for Squid Game 2. He flies free (somewhere)
3116 Mar14@0202h nels_nelson I'm just trying to expand the ceiling over the road, and I noticed these three blocks. Is it possible to be granted edit permissions on the west-nether-road and the west-nether-road-claim regions? Or would that be overkill for my intentions? Closed cujobear discussed and fixed
3115 Mar13@2333h Andromeda4210 I think someone griefed and turned the lava here into obsidian Closed cujobear rolled back grief
3114 Mar13@1912h Aniomis aha, there's been some thorough griefing here Closed CARnivore_nds restored, player warned
3113 Mar13@1911h Aniomis is it possible to know what happened to the 4 allays I had here? they were leashed up, but now only 1 remains, unleashed. the knots were private, so how were they freed? Closed CARnivore_nds I cannot find a good answer, suspect the player that griefed your area was involved, but nothing shows regarding the Allays
3112 Mar13@0145h Mats1300 has this area been griefed or is owner renovating, i dont remember it looking like this. Closed CARnivore_nds looks to be work in progress
3111 Mar13@0135h CARnivore_nds griff? all blocks floating in local space though Closed cujobear grif repaired and player warned
3110 Mar12@2135h NastyHabits here too Closed rukEEEa also fixed
3109 Mar12@2134h NastyHabits more grief here Closed rukEEEa also fixed
3108 Mar12@2129h NastyHabits ambrosia got griefed Closed rukEEEa fixed!
3107 Mar12@1751h tict0c I accidently killed a named babyslime :( Closed Spook6 slime has returned!
3106 Mar12@0147h Za_Zaa may I also please be allowed to place blocks by portal Closed cujobear done
3105 Mar12@0146h Za_Zaa can I please have someone place blocks here to finish the ceiling and also i have tried to get the snifer back in to the lil store and he wont go Closed cujobear completed
3104 Mar11@2031h Aniomis Xe's nether spawn sniffer has gone missing Closed Za_Zaa Sniffer has been restored and player warned
3103 Mar11@2002h LTP1828 someone killed the 4 foxes I had on leads here in front of the coaster. :-( Closed Spook6 2 foxes have been returned but there is no logs of the other 2 dying, perhaps they have escaped.
3102 Mar11@0240h tunfy claim pls for tunfy island with corners 3583, 2800 and 3360, 3023 Closed King_of_queso claim region made!
3101 Mar11@0110h King_of_queso i made a mistake and need this reinforced deepslate moved up one block Closed cujobear fixed
3100 Mar11@0105h Za_Zaa hey padmin can you please allow me to modify the floor around the nether spawn portal- its currently protected thanks! Closed cujobear done and removed
3099 Mar10@2329h ozuwy401k i need to claim some land Closed Za_Zaa region created. The name you provided violates our rules therefore it was named after you.
3098 Mar10@2041h LTP1828 I am claiming "Quartz Cove" --- at 646, 694, -409, -469. It's a little claim. Please protect. Thanks. Closed Spook6 quartz cove is protected!
3097 Mar10@0305h Mats1300 can you check for anything broken around this redstone block maybe 5 block radius Closed cujobear discussed
3096 Mar10@0128h amtrakDrunk I missed one block on my barrier, can you please make this single dirt block invisible with the rest? Closed cujobear done
3095 Mar10@0009h rukEEEa grif!!!!!!!1 Closed Za_Zaa rolled back and player warned
3094 Mar09@2158h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear did the things again!
3093 Mar09@2154h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear another batch of maps added to the hub
3092 Mar09@2152h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear batch added to map hub
3091 Mar09@2028h amtrakDrunk Can you make these dirt platforms invisible, and add protections to the arena with myself and BovineChili as the owners- allowing the spleef play area still breakable by players? Closed cujobear did all the things, please test to make sure floor works for non-region memeber :D
3090 Mar09@1953h Aniomis Hello! This part of CARBON is inside of the Alcazaba protection. What is to be done? Closed cujobear shrunk the region to accomdate both builds
3089 Mar09@0536h buzzie71 are there blocks missing from this wall here? Closed NastyHabits out of logs unfortunately
3088 Mar09@0329h PlNG i think there were some signs here, but za had an accident. Could they be restored? Closed buzzie71 I think it's all restored now :O
3087 Mar09@0157h totemo [TECH] /help locks should explain Bolt, not LWC. Open
3086 Mar08@2228h Za_Zaa help my pick went nuts in solace and Bob ahs been released! Closed CARnivore_nds curified
3085 Mar08@2136h Za_Zaa can you create a protection for these pistons from me? i keep breaking them Closed CARnivore_nds piston wall ownerified to ZaZABot
3084 Mar08@1959h Xx_Haizik_xX sorry for another modreq but i was afk and i havent saw the messge Closed ghrey303 see 3083
3083 Mar08@1948h Xx_Haizik_xX is there any way of delting rocky's warnings? cuz he is mad at me and i dont want to end our friendship? Closed ghrey303 I can double check, but I think warnings are always kept on a player's record
3082 Mar08@0229h WondrLand ppgome is spamming Closed cujobear I told him to knock it off
3081 Mar08@0218h TreeNinjaInATree Grief? Someone broke the dirt block I think Closed PPGOME Sneaky endyman doing endyman thangs
3080 Mar08@0217h nolanater1735_ helkp shtuck Closed PPGOME That's the child safety pit. I'd stay there if I were you
3079 Mar08@0112h PlNG I placed a dragon egg and it vanished, where did it go? Closed ghrey303 egg recovered
3078 Mar08@0107h wyguy2014 grief? Closed cujobear waterflow, not sure where from but in a protected region
3077 Mar07@1803h Za_Zaa can you tell me who took them totems and left junk behind/ tell them to come back and get their junk? thanks Closed TemporarilyAlive Player warned for blockspam elsewhere & rolled back
3076 Mar07@1742h YungBrotknust please claim the knüstchen facility, terrarium, sugar cane farm, beacon room and the staircase to my base Closed Za_Zaa Region created around chest/base and wheat and sugarcane farms! Happy building! :)
3075 Mar07@0455h StepsonofEvil I think someone griefed my tree here Closed NastyHabits out of logs, feel free to renovate it
3074 Mar07@0454h StepsonofEvil i think this is grief (didn't break these blocks) Closed NastyHabits out of logs, repaired by hand, thanks for report
3073 Mar07@0151h cujobear also my cows :( Closed rukEEEa cows were yeeted into orbit by goat
3072 Mar07@0151h cujobear can you check to see how my pigs died? Closed rukEEEa goats murdered pigs
3071 Mar06@1812h Old_Rock_ someone modified my road in new rock like there were slabs placed can i see who it was Closed NastyHabits OleToothless
3070 Mar05@1751h Aniomis circuit was greifed before protection was made. still in logs? Closed Za_Zaa grief rolled back and player warned.
3069 Mar05@0019h pez252 griff? Closed rukEEEa fixd
3068 Mar04@0159h PlNG dragon fight borked, push to next stage? Closed ghrey303 done!
3067 Mar03@2321h Za_Zaa please create claim future Minecart Snap Game Closed cujobear claim region created
3066 Mar03@2220h NastyHabits hmmmmm Closed Za_Zaa rolled back and player warned
3065 Mar03@1624h Old_Rock_ i jsut noticed that spook6 is titled as owner in my town when i do the rg i comand can someone please remove it and put spook6 to members please? i want to be the only owner :D Closed TemporarilyAlive Spook6 is now member instead of owner
3064 Mar03@1503h Old_Rock_ SrleSkillAura is not letting me alone i tried to ingnor her or he but they wont stop i said to stop and they dident, so i hatet on her or him a bit and she also made a modreq i was friendly and then i said please leave me alone but he dident stopD: Closed TemporarilyAlive Checked chat logs. Players appear to have "made up". Please note for future, racism & hostility towards other players will not be tolerated.
3063 Mar03@1453h SrleSkillAura player called Old_Rock_ is non stop hating on me and my country coz my contry is "poor" Closed TemporarilyAlive Checked chat logs. Players appear to have "made up". Please note for future, racism & hostility towards other players will not be tolerated.
3062 Mar02@2341h Old_Rock_ hi, i want a shulker spot in my town the blocks are marked with 'emerald blocks' :) Closed buzzie71 shulker spot set!
3061 Mar02@2310h NastyHabits can you expand region nasty-ambro-house to include those two trees, thanks Closed TemporarilyAlive region embiggened
3060 Mar02@2055h PlNG missing a sniffer in here Closed TemporarilyAlive player already banned. sniffer respawned
3059 Mar02@1327h PPGOME test4 Closed PPGOME
3058 Mar02@1327h PPGOME test3 Closed PPGOME
3057 Mar02@1327h PPGOME test2 Closed PPGOME
3056 Mar02@1327h PPGOME test1 Closed PPGOME
3055 Mar02@0210h Za_Zaa please fix my shulker spot so it works! Closed cujobear shulker spot set
3054 Mar02@0127h cujobear grif? should there be a 3rd powdered snow? Closed cujobear nevermind
3053 Mar02@0008h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this grey plot be copied to 11 plots marked with cyan terracotta (more info sent with dm in discord) Closed cujobear maps copied per request
3052 Mar02@0007h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this blue plot be copied to 14 plots marked with packed ice (more info sent with dm in discord) Closed cujobear maps copied as requested
3051 Mar02@0006h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this orange/yellow plot be copied to 16 plots marked with orange wool (more info sent with dm in discord) Closed cujobear maps copied per request
3050 Mar02@0004h Ulyn_ cujo req, can this light grey/blue plot be copied to 26 plots marked with light blue wool (more info sent with dm in discord) Closed cujobear maps copied as requested
3049 Mar01@2338h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added to hub area
3048 Mar01@2319h Old_Rock_ make fence alow please Closed TemporarilyAlive fence now set to build-allow
3047 Mar01@2243h Old_Rock_ can somebody put buildprotect in my new city and name it welcome to new rock pls? Closed TemporarilyAlive protected & greeting set
3046 Mar01@2008h EggyEgg more say yes to crimson signs Closed rukEEEa fixed
3045 Mar01@1958h fazaden 7x3 shulker spot above these mangrove planks please :D Closed TemporarilyAlive shulker spot created
3044 Mar01@1659h NastyHabits can you allow flipping of trapdoors for owner (me) of this protection region i'm standing in Closed NastyHabits solved by fazaden, thanks
3043 Mar01@1648h KaliGi8240 MrCheesyPants99 Closed PPGOME Please only make a modreq if you have an actual request.
3042 Mar01@1635h NastyHabits please protect this building and disable trapdoor flipping Closed TemporarilyAlive protecc & trapdoor'nt
3041 Mar01@1324h eXPerience2001 pretty sure there used to be an emerald block at -1787, 66, -13. It was part of my sign. Closed NastyHabits thanks for report, rollbacked, player already banned
3040 Mar01@1312h Mats1300 may be able to trace better here Closed NastyHabits same as 3039
3039 Mar01@1311h Mats1300 Major Grief here need a rollback hopefully in logs Closed NastyHabits rollbacked, player banned, thanks for report!
3038 Mar01@0327h Azumarill protection "lottomatic" Closed NastyHabits protection added!
3037 Mar01@0211h OleToothless pls to protecc this build. It cave behind waterfall with bed has a spot for shulkers, and also needs the central area outlined in diorite set up to be thimble-enabled (place blocks). There's a switch that raises up the center area 1 block. Closed NastyHabits all done, note: i did not include outline border in build allow region
3036 Mar01@0111h JamesMcProgger Can you please get me out of the maze, I'm not having fun and got lost long time ago, thanks and sorry to bother! Closed cujobear saved
3035 Mar01@0106h Za_Zaa please make these signs editable Closed cujobear done
3034 Feb28@2146h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps placed in hub
3033 Feb28@1834h eXPerience2001 Hi mods, I've been offline for a month or two, and all 150 ish of my beacons have been taken from the giveaway? It's a lot for one person to taje. Closed TemporarilyAlive There are no logs of any significant number of beacons being taken. Only a handful of players have taken a few beacons each in the last month. Also, as the dispenser is set up with a button as a free giveaway no rule would have been broken.
3032 Feb28@1710h YungBrotknust just figured out that i accidentally built the entrance to my base (4000, 380 underground) on the ironstar claim, would you mind telling me who owns the claim so i can contact em on discord and ask for consent or something? Closed TemporarilyAlive discussed with player. Will change entrance to avoid ironstair claim (whos owners are inactive)
3031 Feb28@1416h Mats1300 i also have 3 different openings down here and iirc i only had one? Closed TemporarilyAlive out of logs
3030 Feb28@1414h Mats1300 grief check with these missing blocks? Closed TemporarilyAlive rolled back. doesnt appear to be grief
3029 Feb28@1220h NastyHabits is this grief attempt? Closed Spook6 out of logs
3028 Feb28@1131h Ulyn_ can this light grey/brown plot be copied to 6 plots with the yellow block to the east Closed cujobear maps copied
3027 Feb28@1126h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added to hub area
3026 Feb28@0144h fazaden protect this whole arena called "Picktionary", please! Also protect the four individual plots as build-allow child regions (the leaves mark the corners) Closed King_of_queso arena protected and build allow child regions made!
3025 Feb28@0030h OleToothless grif Closed cujobear rolled back
3024 Feb28@0024h EggyEgg who placed all of these signs? Closed cujobear signs removed, player already warned
3023 Feb28@0013h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added to hub
3022 Feb28@0012h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear maps added to hub
3021 Feb28@0005h Ulyn_ can this light grey/brown plot be copied to plots with the yellow block (1 plot to the south and then both 6 plots to the east and then 8 plots below the green health plots) Closed cujobear map copied per request
3020 Feb27@2358h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear health maps added to plot markers in hub
3019 Feb27@1936h Aethelstan2 Sheesh ... Who put up all these silly yes to crimson signs all over nether spawn circle? Well im taking em down cuz its my claim Closed TemporarilyAlive Player warned, thanks
3018 Feb27@0236h JamesMcProgger Hello dear mods, Can I know who set this camp here next to my claim? nothing wrong but I might ask them if its temporary Closed King_of_queso discussed via /m
3017 Feb25@2256h Ulyn_ can this white/purple plot be copied to the 1 plot to the east of this? Closed cujobear 1 copy of map created
3016 Feb25@2253h Ulyn_ can this yellow/black plot be copied to the 1 plot to the east of this? Closed cujobear 1 copy of map made
3015 Feb25@2252h Ulyn_ can this red plot be copied to the 4 plots to the east of this? Closed cujobear 4 copies of map made
3014 Feb25@2251h Ulyn_ can this green/brown plot be copied to the 4 plots to the east of this? Closed cujobear 4 copies of map created
3013 Feb25@2246h Ulyn_ can both orange and green health plots be copied to the 9 plots to the east of this? Closed cujobear orange and green health cards copied
3012 Feb25@1901h PixOwner I want plot 9 7x9 Closed Spook6 please remodreq for this plot when you appeal your ban.
3011 Feb25@1901h PixOwner Hey Closed TemporarilyAlive hi
3010 Feb24@2254h Ulyn_ can this plot be copied to the 9 plots to the east of this? Closed cujobear red health plots copied.
3009 Feb24@2247h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with black wool and white wool the outlines and nothing in the areas with the yellow block? Closed cujobear spaces filled excluding the space with the yellow wool
3008 Feb24@2004h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with block of iron and cyan terracotta the outlines and nothing in the areas with the black block? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3007 Feb24@1940h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with packed ice and blue wool matching the outlines and nothing in the areas with the black block? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3006 Feb24@1939h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with block of gold and orange wool matching the outlines and nothing in the areas with the black block? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3005 Feb24@1419h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with black wool? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3004 Feb24@1225h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with verdant froglight? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3003 Feb24@1224h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with cyan terracotta? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd
3002 Feb24@0205h rukEEEa per Za_Zaa: remove this chest, griefers made it Closed TemporarilyAlive chest removed
3001 Feb21@2353h J4bble someone broke this block and let my strider out. hes still alive but could ya tell whoever did it not to do that. thank you Closed rukEEEa out of logs :/
3000 Feb21@2324h Za_Zaa is this grief? Closed rukEEEa fixed!
2999 Feb21@2210h Mats1300 Grief Check here please Closed rukEEEa fixd
2998 Feb21@1925h Mats1300 Grief Check and maybe trace? Closed TemporarilyAlive player warned & block spam rolled back
2997 Feb21@1745h Ulyn_ cujo req, maps here is missing 1 and in wrong order, added the missing map to the barrel in the previus modreq Closed cujobear got the maps in the hub updated
2996 Feb21@1742h Ulyn_ cujo req, can the maps be added to the mapworld spawn area? Closed cujobear done
2995 Feb21@0311h OleToothless can a quick check be done to see what happened to that horse? I don't want it back, just want to know what happened so I can make adjustments Closed cujobear we have surmized that horses get lost to the void
2994 Feb21@0136h Za_Zaa can these shulkers of XeTrains be moved to admin storage? I sent a message and asked if he could pick them up. Closed TemporarilyAlive Discussed with xetrain. Boxes moved to admin storage
2993 Feb21@0111h Muskogee_Red barrier blocks over spleef netherrack for barrier Closed cujobear barrier in place
2992 Feb20@1511h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with pink wool? Closed TemporarilyAlive worldedit'd!
2991 Feb20@0430h nolanater1735_ who dun it? (removed these blocks) Closed iNerd71 Discussed via voicechat
2990 Feb19@0120h OleToothless grief? Closed rukEEEa fix'd
2989 Feb18@1432h Ulyn_ can this be filled in with magenta wool? Closed defiex Wool filled!
2988 Feb18@1257h Xx_Haizik_xX never mind i already found way out Closed PPGOME Woo! Nice job :)