Why Donate
2025 Fundraiser February 21st - 23rd
Update: The 2025 Fundraiser was a success! Check out the Post-Fundraiser update that includes our recent financial update and a poll requesting feedback for the this year and your thoughts on next year's fundraiser! Post Fundraiser update!
Nerd.nu was founded on the concept of fair play and the idea that when it comes to gaming, everyone should start with equal footing — and after thirteen years of operation, we haven't strayed from these important values. Many online gaming services allow users to pay for in-game perks or specialized access, but here at Nerd, we firmly believe that money should be given not for the in-game rewards it might bring, but as a way of showing your appreciation for and supporting the costs of the services we provide.
Back in the Ancient Times, before Minecraft saw its official release, our community had a tradition of a late-year donation drive to Child's Play. This charity provides toys, video games, and more to children in hospitals worldwide. Just like our previous fundraiser, we'd like to give 50% of the upcoming 2025 fundraiser's donation total to Child's Play.
By contributing to nerd.nu, you will be helping to pay for the hardware our servers are run on. You will not receive any personal in-game rewards or prizes for contributing, but you will be recognized with an announcement in-game and a permanent place on our contribution list below.
If you decide you'd like to contribute, you may be wondering how much money to give. The contribution amount we've received most often has been $20, but we recognize that our users come from a broad range of varying backgrounds with differing levels of financial means, especially this year. We've received contributions of amounts from less than five dollars to several hundred dollars in the past, so it's difficult for us to recommend a single amount to contribute. Instead, we'd like to encourage you to contribute whatever amount you feel comfortable with. No matter what amount you choose, all contributions are greatly appreciated.