2025 Post NerdNu Fundraiser Update
Another year and another NerdNu Fundraiser is behind us! Nerd.nu was founded on the concept of fair play and the idea that when it comes to gaming, everyone should start with equal footing — and after sixteen years of operation, we haven't strayed from these important values. Many online gaming services allow users to pay for in-game perks or specialized access, but here at Nerd, we firmly believe that money should be given not for the in-game rewards it might bring, but as a way of showing your appreciation for and supporting the costs of the services we provide. As one of the oldest continuously-running Minecraft servers online, NerdNu prides itself on being funded entirely by donations from players, both former and current alike.
Our Appreciation
We'd like to give an extra-special thank you to:
PPGOME, for finding and wrangling BattleArena, ArenaCTF, HubParkour, and many other plugins to fit our needs, and putting up with faz's constant "fixitfixitfixit" requests. He also custom-coded a new feature for the EasySigns plugin that made all of the "Pay Here" signs possible.
Oxion_, for launching the servers Friday night and keeping them up all weekend!
pez252, for finding and slaying a potentially game-breaking plugin interaction
Deaygo, for his work on the nerd.nu donation site and in-game announcements.
defiex, for her tireless advertising and getting the word out.
marting11, for designing promotional images for CTF and all our minigames.
Spook6, for making amazing promotional videos.
Bardidley, who created the absolutely Gorge-ous CTF map.
CARnivore_nds, for his input on the Flag Capture Zones.
Andromeda4210, who set up the smash hit Mining minigame. He also gathered builders for our other games, such as:
ghrey303, for bringing back (and carefully testing!) 7 of his parkour courses from previous revs.
Za_Zaa, for building the beautiful ice boat track.
iceberg76, for his Flop arena (and secret 8th parkour!).
fluffhead555, who built our Thimble arena.
All of the other staff who helped us test out the plugins in advance: Bluuefuzzy, buzzie71, CaptainWolfgang, cujobear, iNerd71, rukEEEa, TemporarilyAlive, ToddChavay, & many more (who’s names defi has likely missed, but we love you and appreciate you!)
And most importantly, all of YOU! Not just for your generous donations, but for continuing to play here and make this community what it is. The list of contributors can be found at http://nerd.nu/donate. If you wish to chip in, it's not too late; you may do so on the same page! Please note that any contributions at this time will go directly to NerdNu and will not be split with Child's Play.
Costs to NerdNu
Our goal at nerd.nu is to provide a high-quality multiplayer gaming experience embedded in a genuine, friendly community. However, hosting the servers needed to provide you with this experience is not cheap. We are currently spending $210 per month for a cost of $2,522 annually.
This includes the following costs:
Forums: $80 per year
Domain: $90 per year
Email: $24 per year
Servers: $2,328 per year
During the weekend of the 2025 Fundraiser we raised a total of $7,257.20! $3,347.13 stays with NerdNu and we donated $3,628.60 to Child's Play with Paypal taking $281.47 in fees. After the contribution to Child's Play on February 28, 2025 of $3,628.60, an additional donation of $420.69 was made which brought the grand total of funds raised to $7,677.89 as of March 9, 2025 which means we reached our 2025 Goal!
With the additional donation, our NerdNu coffers are now sitting at $5,665.29 which leaves us well funded for the next two years of costs. The additional balance is thanks to Pez & Merp who have been paying the expenses out-of-pocket over the past two years.
We are aware that the Donation Page is currently showing different numbers than above and we are working to correct the page to show the "post-fundraiser page". You are still able to donate, but please be aware that any donations made will go directly to NerdNu and not be split with Child's Play.
Your thoughts
Now that this year's fundraiser has come to a close, we'd like to hear your feedback. What did you like? What did you not like?
We would also like your help with next year's fundraiser! Historically, we've always given to Child's Play and always gone half & half with the donations. We've received requests from players that wish to donate only to NerdNu with their portions not being split between the server and charity. Please take a moment to look at the attached poll and give us your thoughts!
Fundraiser Poll & questionnaire
Share & follow
For any inquiries, please contact one of the head admins: Andromeda4210, defiex, fazaden, & pez252