Contribute to Nerd.Nu

2025 Fundraiser Coming Soon! Friday, February 21st to Sunday, February 23rd was founded on the concept of fair play and the idea that when it comes to gaming, everyone should start with equal footing — and after thirteen years of operation, we haven't strayed from these important values. Many online gaming services allow users to pay for in-game perks or specialized access, but here at Nerd, we firmly believe that money should be given not for the in-game rewards it might bring, but as a way of showing your appreciation for and supporting the costs of the services we provide.

Back in the Ancient Times, before Minecraft saw its official release, our community had a tradition of a late-year donation drive to Child's Play. This charity provides toys, video games, and more to children in hospitals worldwide. Just like our previous fundraiser, we'd like to give 50% of the upcoming 2025 fundraiser's donation total to Child's Play.

By contributing to, you will be helping to pay for the hardware our servers are run on. You will not receive any personal in-game rewards or prizes for contributing, but you will be recognized with an announcement in-game and a permanent place on our contribution list below.

If you decide you'd like to contribute, you may be wondering how much money to give. The contribution amount we've received most often has been $20, but we recognize that our users come from a broad range of varying backgrounds with differing levels of financial means, especially this year. We've received contributions of amounts from less than five dollars to several hundred dollars in the past, so it's difficult for us to recommend a single amount to contribute. Instead, we'd like to encourage you to contribute whatever amount you feel comfortable with. No matter what amount you choose, all contributions are greatly appreciated.

Our goal at is to provide a high-quality multiplayer gaming experience embedded in a genuine, friendly community. However, hosting the servers needed to provide you with this experience is not cheap. We are currently spending $210 per month for a cost of $2,522 annually.

This includes the following costs:

  • Forums: $80 per year
  • Domain: $90 per year
  • Email: $24 per year
  • Servers: $2,328 per year

For our 2025 Fundraiser a portion of donations will go to Child's Play and a portion of the contributions will go towards supporting our servers. While most of the server contributions money will be used to pay our monthly hardware bill, some of it may also be used to advertise our servers in order to help grow the community or to expand our services into games other than Minecraft. Our budget for these additional expenses will be determined by the amount of money we raise; we will keep you up-to-date on how this money is being spent.

We value your privacy. That's why we don't collect any personal information about you if you make a contribution. Once you have contributed, your username(that you enter below), the amount of money you contributed, and the time at which you contributed will appear in the table below; that is the only information other people will be able to see about your contribution.

The only other information about your contribution which we retain for our records includes specific information about your PayPal transaction and your email address to uniquely identify you. This data will not be distributed to anyone.

If you would like your username changed as it appears in the contribution list, or if you have any questions about contributing, please contact an admin.

Help pay its hardware bill and donate to Child's Play!

2025 Contribution Drive Progress
We've raised 4,498.97 so far with in 173.32 fees, leaving 2,076.17 for us and 2,249.49 for Child's Play!

358% Complete
Potant Potables! - Sustain current level of operation for 3 months.
258% Complete
Better Tools! - Sustain current level of operation for 6 months.
158% Complete
Archery! -Sustain current level of operation for 9 months.
58% Complete
Even Better Tools! -Sustain current level of operation for 12 months.
0% Complete
Get Buff! - Our Goal! This gets us a year and a half of operating funds!
Username Amount
Tood 20.00
CaptainWolfgang 20.25
fazaden 420.69
tiC and iCe 50.00
aniomis 100.00
defiex 63.02 1.00
§3Azumarill 1.00
Azumarill 1.00
Ulyn 42.00
WyGuy 2.28
defiex 99.75
defiex 143.64
JMcP 100.00
defiex 32.02
FiddlersViridian 70.00
Cheezychicken 100.00
defiex 28.02
Paws 10.00
Bookey42 100.00
tunfy 64.00
Oxion_ 30.30
defiex 27.12
marting11 50.11
ghrey303 303.00
defiex 20.99
Christine 204.99
azumarill 78.78
Bardidley 500.00
Ranarith 20.00
tompreuss 200.00
King_of_queso 100.00
icebberg 20.00
Muskogee_Red 100.00
Jabble 100.00
jchance 100.00
Antilles 250.00
LadyCailin 200.00
FiddlersViridian 30.00
Aethelstan2 ... Glory To 75.00
nolanater1735 50.01
defiex 10.00
Old_Rock_ 10.00
Za_Zaa 50.00
Username Amount
WyGuy 512.28
Bardidley 500.00
defiex 424.56
fazaden 420.69
ghrey303 303.00
Christine 254.99
Antilles 250.00
tompreuss 200.00
LadyCailin 200.00
jchance 100.00
aniomis 100.00
Muskogee_Red 100.00
King_of_queso 100.00
Jabble 100.00
JMcP 100.00
FiddlersViridian 100.00
Cheezychicken 100.00
Bookey42 100.00 81.78
Aethelstan2 ... Glory To 75.00
tunfy 64.00
marting11 50.11
nolanater1735 50.01
tiC and iCe 50.00
Ulyn 42.00
Oxion_ 30.30
CaptainWolfgang 20.25
icebberg 20.00
Tood 20.00
Ranarith 20.00
Paws 10.00