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graymansnel [Tharine]


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I was banned.


I don't really know why, i know Tharine told me last night after i broke some string and asked if i had to replace it, that if i did anything again and she found out, i would be banned.


I tried to replace the string but then a big zerging fight brokeout in the trap and i didnt get to replace it, i was going to wait until the fight went away.


I woke up today and went to go play, and i was banned.


Not sure if it was this, or something else..?



Im kinda confused. But anyway im sure what ever i did was bad. 





(also most server have a layout or something that i need to fill out, like  What When How and Who banne me/was I banned, i didnt see that)

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Hello graymansnel,


You were banned for:

Ban for graymansnel for Exhaustive misuse of staff time and resources; ban result of cumulative incidents. nerd.nu/appeal by Tharine on 2013-06-06 06:28:39 (no more bans, 3 notes


Please be patient and tharine will be with you as soon as they can.  If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.

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Commenting at the moment just to say I won't have time to dedicate to writing a full response until possibly later today, I have a lot of tasks to do around the house/elsewhere on the forums that i've been meaning to tend to for a while now. Your ban is being handled by both draykhar and myself, and if either of us happen to be on Mumble at some point in the day, this is a friendly reminder to please not bother either of us about your appeal, as bans are handled only in the ban appeals section of the forums and nowhere else.

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This is a joint-post by Draykhar and Tharine. 
[Tharines bit]
There's actually quite a bit that went into issuing this ban, but rest assured that this by no means suggests that it will be a lengthy one. 
The most recent event that pushed things over the edge and warranted us issuing this ban was the house that you recently made in the nether. You had initially made a modreq to inquire as to whether you could claim the land, and the response was a curt and wholly appropriate "You've read the rules on Land claiming. use your own judgement.". This is one of several instances over the course of the past week where either of the Survival admins have had to remind you about the guidelines surrounding land claiming, and that making modreqs is not necessary when the land is empty.
For this particular incident, you had mined out a portion of the netherrack and apparently happened upon an ender chest. Taking a look at this [http://i.imgur.com/z9qpFeS.png] (where the glass represents what blocks would have been unedited prior to your own), it's clear that the ender chest was visible both directly from above (perhaps missed at a glance), and/or when you first mined out that area. Instead of stopping to inquire about how to proceed once finding something that belonged to another player, you continued editing and eventually made your entire house around that ender chest, finally making a modreq to say: "This isnt my E-Chest, May i have it? or does the owner need to come get it.".
It should be clear that you cannot claim other players' items like this, same as how you cannot claim other players' bases as your own. It's gotten to the point where myself and draykhar are having to near-constantly monitor or respond to your actions on the server, and it's draining both time-wise and mentally to have to deal with this sort of thing on such a frequent basis.
 [Draykhars bit]
On that, your actions over the last week have merited us pulling you aside and having this discussion. You need to get a grasp on the rules.
Within the past week you've gotten two notes:
Note #31610 for graymansnel on c.nerd.nu: Further warned that rule breaking in the absence of moderators is still not allowed (warned via mumble) by Tharine on 2013-05-30 20:49:19
Note #31848 for graymansnel on c.nerd.nu: Extensively warned about rules at length. Do not tolerate any rule breaking from this user. by Tharine on 2013-06-06 02:59:08
Those notes portray, over the period of a week, what accumulates to hours of discussion with you about the rules, going in depth over the same rules repeatedly. We've had discussions with you what land you can and cannot claim on survival, and then have had issue with you breaking that at least twice this week. On both instances, you claimed land, broke ground, found things placed by others/ other peoples builds, and then continued building. As we've said plenty of times in mumble: If someone else has built there, you are not to build there - that's what land claims boil down to.
 In the future, if you are beginning to build on a plot and find something that isn't yours: STOP, make a modreq, and  leave that plot of land alone until it's handled. We'd like to think everyone on S put's wholly visible borders on their builds, be it underground redstone, a base in the sky, or a chest in the nether, but that is not always the case. 
We've had to further explain the rules with you because others put into your mind that breaking the rules when a moderator isn't around or it isn't traceable is A-okay. That's a nonsensical idea. We expect each player to raise themselves up to the standard of rules we have set, regardless of whether someones looking over there shoulder at their every move. 
We've had to dispel constant rumours flared up by you that 'S is resetting in a week'. S is not resetting in a week, as we told you every time you brought it up, and saying such doesn't expedite the process in any way. All it does is put unnecessary stress on the people working towards the new Rev.
We've had to warn you to be more appropriate in mumble on nearly a daily basis. I'm all for being silly and having a good time, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. We've warned you that you've crossed that line repeatedly, both casually and formally. Many players have complained and even moved channels to get away from the often uncomfortable dialogue you bring to mumble. If you've been warned repeatedly, and people are moving specifically to avoid such conversation, it is apparent that something needs to change. 
To bring this all to a point: It's exhaustive to deal with this. We've got far more productive shit to do with our time than re-read you the rules every time you're confused/out of line. It's frustrating to explain the rules to a player repetitively and them still not get it. We appreciate you coming to us with your concerns, but at the same time most of them can be covered by reading the rules.
As such, please read the rules (nerd.nu/rules). Read them very well. I'd like you to post back here stating that you understand them, and can better adhere to them from here on out. After you do such, we'll see that you are unbanned.

Draykhar and Tharine

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