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Pvtsnowball971 [tompreuss]


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Frist off I will not apologized.

I fell I have been wrong done in this ban. I have not been disrupted I have spoke my mine. There is no rule against this. This also all start when I simple said I was quiet gay in getting 3 stack of clay for a go deal. This resulted in Tom banning me for Homopobic slur this as anyone with a brain can figure out is the correct way in saying the word. After that I was pissed as many could image do to a wrongful and simple want to know now that was when I was attack by many players over that and was protecting my honour. After that I was warned a kept quiet. So what I said was simply after all my rage of the past few days.


PS I want see the rule that was broken

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Ban information:


Ban for Pvtsnowball971 on c.nerd.nu for disruptive chat on P, previously warned five times in the past day nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2013-12-29 17:28:27 (no more bans, 4 notes)


Please be patient and tompreuss will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal.
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Thank you Mrloud15.


I'll note also that this appeal thread title was originally "This Abuse and i will not stan for this!" before being changed to "Pvtsnowball971 [tompreuss]"



Hi Pvtsnowball971,


So we're all on the same page, here is a full and complete historical record of your current and prior bans and warnings that you have been issued:

Ban #13104389 for pvtsnowball971 for disruptive chat on P, previously warned five times in the past day nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2013-12-29 17:28:27

Note #33559 for pvtsnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Warned for logging to avoid combat / lag occurring during combat by Tharine on 2013-08-21 06:06:18

Note #33568 for pvtsnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Warned for PvP logging. by mrloud15 on 2013-08-21 18:43:15

Note #33631 for pvtsnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: Previous ban for logging to avoid combat, do not tolerate any further incidents by Tharine on 2013-08-25 00:46:31

Note #35429 for pvtsnowball971 on c.nerd.nu: warned again for use of homophobic language in chat on P by tompreuss on 2013-12-28 18:05:47

Prior bans for griefing (3 days), combat logging (3 days), homophobia (1 month), xray (1 month), and ban evasion (2 weeks). 


You've also been warned to use a civil tone in your ban appeals here and here.


Now then, on to your appeal.


Frist off I will not apologized.

I fell I have been wrong done in this ban. I have not been disrupted I have spoke my mine. There is no rule against this. This also all start when I simple said I was quiet gay in getting 3 stack of clay for a go deal. This resulted in Tom banning me for Homopobic slur this as anyone with a brain can figure out is the correct way in saying the word. After that I was pissed as many could image do to a wrongful and simple want to know now that was when I was attack by many players over that and was protecting my honour. After that I was warned a kept quiet. So what I said was simply after all my rage of the past few days.


PS I want see the rule that was broken

First a correction to a few of your assertions: 1) I did not ban you for using a homophobic slur, I kicked you with a reminder not to use homophobic language in chat. 2) Your ban was due to being repeatedly disruptive in chat after several warnings not to do so and your ban message reflects this.

As was pointed out to you by TornadoHorse in chat, it's quite clear that you were only using the word "gay" to incite trouble. While the word can mean "happy" and your usage indicates that is what you wanted it to mean, no one in this day and age uses it that way anymore. To think that public chat in an online multiplayer video game would be an acceptable use of the word "gay" (meaning happy) is ludicrous, especially when considering your previous ban for use of homophobic language. In that prior instance you spelled homophobic slurs incorrectly and attempted to claim that you meant on six separate occasions you were calling someone a "flag" or a "flagit" or a "flagot" when it was quite clear to everyone else what you really meant. The same holds true here, you were attempting to skirt around the rules on a technicality, and that's why I kicked you with a warning.

Following that, you were repeatedly told to take the issues you had with my handling of that situation to private messages. You did not.

Then, when I warned you today about sending an abusive chat message directed at another player you immediately sent another one, directed at me. This led me to ban you.

As to which rule you've broken, I'd have thought that after being instructed to read the rules on so many different occasions you'd have a working knowledge of their contents. Being that you clearly do not I'll quote the relevant portion here:


  • No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech, especially targeted at specific users.
  • Please respect all players. Harassment of the staff, or any one else, can result in a kick or a ban.
  • Excessively negative comments or disruptive arguments/discussions in global chat are not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions concerning politics, religion, issues with staff/policy, issues with specific other players, or validity of bans. Any and all such conversations should be conducted in/moved to private channels, such as /msg, clanchat, or /mail. Persistence in unacceptable global chat may result in a mute, kick, or ban.

Here is a condensed portion of the relevant server logs that reflect what led to your ban, I've bolded the five warnings I reference in my ban message:


2013-12-28 18:01:12 | <PvtSnowball971> yeah i am so gay now that i got all the clay i needed

2013-12-28 18:01:24 | <simssteve> ?

2013-12-28 18:01:29 | <SwitchViewz> Please don't use that word!

2013-12-28 18:01:34 | CH: Running original command on player SwitchViewz ----> /modlist

2013-12-28 18:01:36 | <TornadoHorse> He means the 'gay' as in happy

2013-12-28 18:01:38 | <PvtSnowball971> what wrong with that

2013-12-28 18:01:44 | <TornadoHorse> I'm guessing to be difficult and push the rules

2013-12-28 18:01:46 | <SwitchViewz> It's still frowned upon

2013-12-28 18:01:53 | <PvtSnowball971> yes the correct way you guys need to chill

2013-12-28 18:01:54 | <TornadoHorse> In which case he shouldn't be doing that at all

2013-12-28 18:02:22 | <PvtSnowball971> there is no rule against it

2013-12-28 18:02:29 | <TornadoHorse> Pvt you know it's not meant like that anymore, don't push your luck

User PvtSnowball971 has been kicked by tompreuss. (you've been warned to not use that word before, do not use it again)

2013-12-28 18:02:29 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:02:29 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:02:43 | PvtSnowball971[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:02:54 | <PvtSnowball971> wtf the fuck who kick me

2013-12-28 18:03:06 | <Diznatch52> probably everyone

2013-12-28 18:03:06 | <PvtSnowball971> i want to talk to a mode now

2013-12-28 18:03:07 | <SwitchViewz> You should know better then to use that word, it doesn't matter the context

2013-12-28 18:03:23 | <SwitchViewz> To talk to a mod do /modlist

2013-12-28 18:03:27 | <SwitchViewz> and /msg a mod

2013-12-28 18:03:28 | <TornadoHorse> The context does matter, but you're only using that word to wind people up

2013-12-28 18:03:44 | <PvtSnowball971> no i am allowed to use that word if in proper form so i will talk to other mods about this

2013-12-28 18:03:51 | <TornadoHorse> go right ahead

2013-12-28 18:03:54 | <SwitchViewz> As far as I knew the word was not allowed whether or not used in a good context

2013-12-28 18:04:01 | <tompreuss> Pvt, I spoke with you in the kick message when I kicked you for using the word

2013-12-28 18:04:03 | <PvtSnowball971> and maybe have you suspened for abise of power

2013-12-28 18:04:20 | <tompreuss> let's take this to private messages

2013-12-28 18:04:27 | <SwitchViewz> Let's not start threating please, lets be nice!

2013-12-28 18:04:28 | <PvtSnowball971> tom that bullshit i used it the right way in the right context

2013-12-28 18:04:35 | <Diznatch52> pvt, please stop trolling

2013-12-28 18:04:36 | <tompreuss> let's take this to private messages, second warning

2013-12-28 18:04:36 | <TornadoHorse> It's fine to use it, just don't use it derogatively

2013-12-28 18:05:04 | <PvtSnowball971> i never did i said i was happy but in the use of that word so fuck this

2013-12-28 18:05:05 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:05:05 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:05:13 | <Scorpii> ok

2013-12-28 18:05:47 | CH: Running original command on player tompreuss ----> /addnote pvtsnowball971 warned again for use of homophobic language in chat on P

2013-12-28 18:13:15 | PvtSnowball971[REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:15:01 | [server] PLANNED RESTART IN 1 minute.

2013-12-28 18:15:18 | <PvtSnowball971> fuck you restart

2013-12-28 18:16:02 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Server restarting.

2013-12-28 18:16:02 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:16:02 | Stopping server

2013-12-28 18:17:36 | PvtSnowball971[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:22:16 | CH: Running original command on player PvtSnowball971 ----> /modlist

2013-12-28 18:31:27 | <PvtSnowball971> looks like i got to go make a post making all aware of whatabuse i suffered today later guys

2013-12-28 18:31:31 | CH: Running original command on player PvtSnowball971 ----> /modlist

2013-12-28 18:32:19 | <PvtSnowball971> later guys

2013-12-28 18:32:22 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:32:22 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:32:39 | <rob_r> first world problems

2013-12-28 18:33:00 | <wyguy2014> he'll be back

2013-12-28 18:33:30 | <rob_r> he's always such a pleasant soul too

2013-12-28 18:33:40 | <AxisArchon> lol

2013-12-28 18:33:45 | <SwitchViewz> he likes to push rules though, he's done it before =/

2013-12-28 18:34:23 | <wyguy2014> private chat would probably be better for most of this. except the wood thing

2013-12-28 18:34:24 | <TheRandomnatrix> ^

2013-12-28 18:35:31 | PvtSnowball971[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:35:44 | <PvtSnowball971> rob ty for those nice words

2013-12-28 18:35:53 | <rob_r> no problem

2013-12-28 18:36:03 | <rob_r> i always enjoy watching your demands over chat

2013-12-28 18:36:13 | <PvtSnowball971> oh by the way i do not push the rules i abod from them and use them to there exstent

2013-12-28 18:36:30 | <tompreuss> third warning, take it to private messages

2013-12-28 18:36:33 | <PvtSnowball971> do not hate the player hate the game

2013-12-28 18:36:43 | <PvtSnowball971> what ever tom

2013-12-28 18:36:44 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:36:44 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:37:44 | <Scorpii> jeez, so whiny

2013-12-28 18:39:24 | PvtSnowball971[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:39:39 | <PvtSnowball971> i am back guys what up

2013-12-28 18:40:50 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:40:50 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:43:50 | PvtSnowball971[REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 18:48:14 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 18:48:15 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-28 18:57:14 | PvtSnowball971[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-28 19:23:05 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-28 19:23:05 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.


2013-12-29 17:25:17 | link223[/REDACTED] logged in with entity id REDACTED at (REDACTED)

2013-12-29 17:25:17 | -

2013-12-29 17:25:22 | <SwitchViewz> Welcome link223!

2013-12-29 17:26:01 | <link223> #Gay

2013-12-29 17:26:04 | <Rokku117> Whoa

2013-12-29 17:26:11 | <SwitchViewz> uh

2013-12-29 17:26:11 | <Rokku117> Dont say stuff liek that please

2013-12-29 17:26:13 | <link223> Yup, you mad?

2013-12-29 17:26:17 | <VarukaSalt> 'scuse me?

2013-12-29 17:26:21 | <Rokku117> No? Youll be banned tho

2013-12-29 17:26:28 | <PvtSnowball971> and let the ban hammer hit

2013-12-29 17:26:28 | <mrsslats> someone wanting teh ban hammer?

2013-12-29 17:26:29 | <SwitchViewz> Mad? No it'll just get you warned and eventually banned

2013-12-29 17:26:37 | <link223> Who cares?

2013-12-29 17:26:42 | <Rokku117> Clearly, not you

2013-12-29 17:26:43 | <SwitchViewz> aparently not you

2013-12-29 17:26:45 | <mrsslats> lol

2013-12-29 17:26:50 | <link223> Yeah I dont care

2013-12-29 17:26:50 | <SisigWithRice> guys stop feeding the troll

2013-12-29 17:26:55 | CH: Running original command on player tompreuss ----> /ban link223 homophobic language in chat, disruptive chat spam on P

2013-12-29 17:26:55 | link223 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-29 17:26:55 | link223 left the game.

2013-12-29 17:26:58 | <Rokku117> lol

2013-12-29 17:27:02 | <VarukaSalt> Well, that was easy

2013-12-29 17:27:09 | <PvtSnowball971> link scum like you make me sick you are a little prick

2013-12-29 17:27:10 | <VarukaSalt> I'm at praha portal

2013-12-29 17:27:24 | <tompreuss> PvtSnowball971, there's no need for personal attacks like that either

2013-12-29 17:27:34 | <Rokku117> ^

2013-12-29 17:27:44 | <SwitchViewz> Let's all be nice here :D

2013-12-29 17:27:47 | <PvtSnowball971> tom shut the fuck up your are a asshole that does jack shit for the sever

2013-12-29 17:27:54 | <SwitchViewz> uhh

2013-12-29 17:27:58 | <Scientus> ok then

2013-12-29 17:27:58 | <VarukaSalt> Wow..

2013-12-29 17:28:01 | <Z0mb1eNaTe> ty

2013-12-29 17:28:03 | <SwitchViewz> he does a lot more then you know..

2013-12-29 17:28:05 | <Rokku117> Wat

2013-12-29 17:28:09 | <Ryusaizo> Someone is having a hissy fit.

2013-12-29 17:28:11 | <NPaladin> I like the server.

2013-12-29 17:28:14 | <Rokku117> ^

2013-12-29 17:28:15 | <Scorpii> again...

2013-12-29 17:28:15 | <Ryusaizo> Do you need ahug.

2013-12-29 17:28:15 | <MrSteamie> on this server diamond layer is 30 rigt?

2013-12-29 17:28:25 | <VarukaSalt> I don't do shit here either, except play and build. IS that a problem?

2013-12-29 17:28:26 | <Rokku117> Someone took all my carts ._.

2013-12-29 17:28:26 | CH: Running original command on player tompreuss ----> /ban pvtsnowball971 disruptive chat on P, previously warned five times in the past day

2013-12-29 17:28:27 | PvtSnowball971 lost connection: Disconnected

2013-12-29 17:28:27 | PvtSnowball971 left the game.

2013-12-29 17:28:45 | <theclefe> That was uncalled for

Aggressive and abusive personal attacks like the ones you gave today, especially ones that are disruptive in public chat, are normally dealt with with bans of significant length. Seeing as how this is your sixth ban from our servers and your prior bans have not seemed to change your rule breaking behavior, despite their already significant cumulative length, I'm setting your ban length at three months. This slightly increases the length over the total of your prior bans. I will further warn you that should you choose to rejoin us after that time has passed and you get banned again, that ban will be permanent.

Please read nerd.nu/rules and open a new appeal on or after 2014-03-29 saying that you have done so and agree to abide by them from that moment forward to be unbanned.

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