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Posts posted by tactical_spork

  1. djt832, that last part of a community vote separate from the mods vote sounds ok, but they've tried the same thing with the PvE mob cap and when the admins decided on a different option from the one which won a popular vote a massive shitstorm erupted. Even people with no horse in the race were dissapointed at the perceived lack of transparency. Unless the community vote has at least some tangible say (say, 50% of the deciding process or something) I feel all this would do is incite more drama.

  2. Honestly? While I do believe the S community could stand to be a bit nicer to new people, in the end I just feel that PvP in minecraft is just shitty in general, and it's ultimately not the server's fault, it's mojang's. PvP basically boils down to "whack the other guy as often as possible while trying to not be whacked and hope the gods of lag are in your favor" 90% of the time. Considering mcpublic is always trying to stay as vanilla as possible with no for-profit anything I honestly thing S is about as good as it can be for its type of server. No pay-to-win, staff who are impartial yet active members of the community, and weekly arena nights that do attract a fair number of people. So... unless we can make combat in minecraft like Chivalry: Medieval Warfare I doubt much can be done about survival and that we should just be happy with what we have.

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  3. I've recently learned that Vinhaven/Atlantis have their own, private, end grinder in this rev, which may make the public one work much more slowly. On one hand, the end is nobody's land and anybody can build on it, but on the other hand, it is a limited resource and having a private one for members seem contrary to the spirit of PvE, not to mention having two end grinders make both work less well. I was just wondering what other people thought of this, do you think it's fair/should be allowed?

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  4. Well guess I'll be honest.  Having been in the Navy and having been on a drug combat surface vessel boarding team.  I have seen my friends shot and killed and have shot drug runners.  That's pretty much going to be the worst thing I have seen.


    ... Holy  shit.

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