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Posts posted by uni0

  1.  What if we combine these two, and invert the problem? What if beds came back in full effect? and if you're killed at/near your bed within a certain amount of time upon spawning / amount of times It throws you to spawn instead? Takes out spawncamping from both potential ends, and takes out the 'randomization' of spawning somewhere unknown in the over world.


    I like the idea of bringing beds back on Survival. Feel free to add whatever opinions you have of that and what it would look like, but try and keep focus on 'spawn camping' , what it is, and how the rule should properly represent it -- If beds were to be implemented, this is the one rule that would likely need the most serious rework.


    I'm really liking this idea. If it were possible to alternate spawning locations as you suggest, that seems like it'd make beds viable. Allowing beds on s would open up a lot of possibilities and new gameplay imo. There would be more far out bases, outposts, communities/cities, people would need to explore the map more to find other players. And it might potentially reduce quite a bit of the dickish gameplay that s is plagued with, such as spawn/base camping.

  2. I personally am against beds on survival. If you are besieging a base and you kill someone in that base, as it is now they'd be all the way back spawn and pretty much out of the fight. Which is fair, and a good thing. If they had a bed in the base, they could just re-kit and join back in the fight immediately, essentially making to impossible to successfully attack anyone's base.


    I think you may have just identified a way to potentially deter base camping. If people respawn at beds, they may re-armor up and threaten you, so you wouldn't wanna stick around their base for too long. This might indirectly promote better PVP. Ie, you would kill someone at or near their base, get loot and then move on. No mindless spree killing.


    Some background on this: while base camping is currently allowed, at one point it wasn't. The reason it's currently allowed is because it was deemed too hard to enforce. But the issue has been brought up many times.


    If allowing beds potentially deters base camping, this would solve a long standing issue without the need of intervention from staff.


    Beds would alleviate spawn camping as well.

  3. Just to chime in, I haven't tested them yet, but the Tabbychat and Smooth Movie Recorder seem like they don't affect gameplay in a way that would be unfair to others and I'd be interested in them myself. Thanks for posting graymansnel, hopefully some of these will be added to the mods list, whichever side they fall into ;)

    • Upvote 1
  4. I believe the point they are trying to make is, being able to see the diamonds on the bottom without entering the lava.  There for knowing where they need to clear lava in order to get the diamonds.


    Just to clarify, optifine will let you see clearly under lava but you have to enter the lava lake, otherwise there won't be any visibility.

  5. I remain unconvinced that a "PvE server that happens to have PvP enabled everywhere" is really a good idea. This game has too many working parts, takes too much time and requires too much grinding for such short and unsatisfying fights. PvP is a dick-wagging competition, not an interesting component of the game. Without improving the actual fights (something we can't do) we can only change the things that lead up to fights, and that doesn't really get at the real problem.


    Things are out of balance. Unless you can get and retain new players each revision, the server increasingly becomes a small server for a small group of people who are mostly friends. Minecraft is not the new kid on the block and we are not a unique server.


    As erisian wisely told me months ago: the size of this server does not even remotely justify the hand-wringing and drama that accompanies it.


    I agree there are fundamental problems with the platform, I've seen the same problems over and over again. Just to add to what you mentioned, I'd add that the current platform does not motivate fair honor combat (ie armored vs armored) nor does it motivate cool "pve" building, in fact it's despised. It promotes dickish gameplay, spree killing, meaningless animal killing, chest looting, jamming cool redstone circuitry on purpose, uneven matches, base camping, getting people in trouble etc.


    All this dickish gameplay provides some temporary fun but it quickly ends because the victims don't stick around enough for this to continue.


    As long as this platform continues as it is, I don't see much changing, even with more numbers, people won't stick around because there isn't a solid core gameplay.


    I'm not sure what the solution is, but blindly defending a vanilla platform as we seem to keep on doing doesn't seem the solution to me. We should study other servers and not be afraid to do something drastically different if needed.


    On a personal note, I feel like I'm one of the last 'veterans' that's trying to stick around, but as time passes there seems to be less reasons to stay around; we keep on having the same politics, the same unresolved issues, the same resistance to change.

    • Upvote 5
  6. FYI on s we are getting too much NCP output, currently  I'm getting a "failed Visible: interacts with a block out of sight. VL 11." while trying to place slabs for a column and it keeps blocking my block placement on seemingly random spots.

  7. I'd really like to hear from prominent PVPers about the lag issue. Has anyone quit the servers, or felt like PVPing was worthless because of lag? I think this issue is often overlooked. Perhaps something can be done, raise more money to upgrade the servers or get different providers?

  8. S player here. Enchanting has been historically broken in Minecraft. I used to spend hours/days/months using grinder, waiting 2 hours for a single piece of armor. While S is PVP oriented and enchanting has a bigger role perhaps than P, I think the enchanting issues is taking a toll on P now.


    Our solution? XP plump. We no longer rely sorely on the end to do decent enchanting. In fact we have multiple end grinders on s, and we aren't fighting over them because they are no longer the primary source of enchanting.


    With xp plump, overworld grinders are as decent as the end, so the end is now primarily used for pearls, not xp.


    Anyway I just thought I'd share this viewpoint, take it or leave it, I thought it might help when considering different options in how to fix this issue.

    • Upvote 7
  9. Hi MickTan, thanks for appealing. As you already know, homophobic language is not tolerated in our servers. Given your past bans, and the fact you've been already warned for this kind of behavior, I'll set your ban length to 20 days starting from the day of your ban.


    Please appeal back on June 6th. Take some time to consider how you'll behave once you come back; there will be a much longer ban next time.

  10. I hope i'm understanding it right, but would disabling hopper minecarts be a good, at least quick, solution to this?


    I know that we can also track dispenser and rail edits made near chests suspected to have had the loot stolen from, and ban on instances of that under the rule that Vortex has highlighted, for anything that crops up in the meantime.


    Hopper minecarts are already disabled in the sense they can't be crafted normally. The workaround is assembling them with the dispenser. Perhaps banning dispensers, ie making them mod-placeable only would be a temp/quick solution until something better can be done?

  11. I was contacted by Beastbruiser who was kind enough to let me know about an exploit with using hopper+carts to steal chest contents. The 'exploit' works with by using a dispenser to make a minecart with hopper that outputs to a rail. Then the minecart-hopper goes below chest bypassing any LWC on chest which lets player steal contents.


    Prompt response to this would be appreciated.

    • Upvote 4
  12. There is a way to mine diamond ores below lava lakes using optifine. Optifine lets you see through lava, ie makes lava translucent and anything below it can be seen. Without optifine you'd just see orange lava in your screen. This seems to give an advantage to those using optifine wanting to hunt for diamond. In the past I've seen cases where this practice has been allowed and it was not a factor in determining xray.


    What I'd like to know if this is a legit practice. I've always thought this wasn't allowed and I think others may think the same, so an official comment on this would be appreciated. Thanks

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